Peppi · @peppea
6 followers · 200 posts · Server
WatDopHuk · @apples_and_pears
61 followers · 701 posts · Server

@fraying If they want government to get out of their face why then are they putting MORE government control in the nations path! Kinda seems f****d up to me! This kind of control has never ended well for those that impose it. This time will be no different.

#historyrepeatingitself #facism #selfrightous #selfimportant #pharisees

Last updated 2 years ago

SideBand 🤪 :donor: · @ssb
97 followers · 895 posts · Server

I'm about something...
I've been getting a fair amount of here on from people on the far far far left, and almost none from the right, or the far right, or even the far far right.
Now, I'm pretty clear (or so I think, anyway) that I do not care to associate with extremists from either side.
, I'm - in the sense that I don't believe we should spend money we don't have.
, I'm pretty -of-the-road, maybe a bit . I believe that everyone, regardless of their choices (or not-choices), should have the same rights as everyone else, and be able to live in peace, as long as they're not causing direct harm to anyone else.
I am, therefore, confused as to why people whose default mode of involves , , of , and for would want to connect with me. I do not wish to associate with people who only wish to further divide this country with their and .
If I have ideas that are different from theirs, or try to ask questions about their stance and point of view, all that will happen is they will turn around and block me, then report me for doing <InsertEvilThingHere> when all I was doing was clarifying their position so I know how to continue consideration of their position.
It's happened far too many times in the past.
Fist off, , isn't or . Your hate-filled rants really belong here, in my opinion. That's what and and are for.
This is supposed to be a place where ideas can be exchanged, discussed, and mulled without fear of condemnation - where someone isn't attacked for their thoughts, or for asking questions.
There's a Mister Badger (with a number after it) who is an example of this. This person's obvious hatred of anyone who isn't as far Left (I believe they call it "progressive", but that's for another post and another time) as they are. I'm NOT that far left, and would almost certainly be grouped in with Nazis and Klansjerks by this person.
So why did they reach out with a connection request? I don't know. Maybe they're looking for a new victim to browbeat so they can feel morally superior? Maybe they think that if I see enough hatred of <insert any group here> I'll start to feel the same? (That's the same tactic used by WS groups, Nazis, and the Klan, by the way...)
I'm just unsure of the motives, there, and that's why I rejected that connection. I've rejected others for similar reasons.
Perhaps I need to re-visit my profile and make it clear that I don't support hate, no matter which side of which aisle it comes from.

#curious #connection #requests #mastodon #fiscally #conservative #regarding #people #center #leaning #left #communication #namecalling #virtuesignaling #condmenation #otherism #looking #fights #shortsighted #selfimportant #diatribe #hatemongering #folks #birdsite #twitter #facebook #instagram

Last updated 2 years ago

Rob Shum · @robshum
187 followers · 232 posts · Server

@shrinkthinks @taylorlorenz
Before this, it already looked like ‘ trajectory was to become the ultimate for tweeters aspiring to be .
This is the first illustration of the toxicity that comes of that.

#postnews #echochamber #selfimportant #influencers

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Gowen · @AndrewGowen
40 followers · 96 posts · Server

and are bitching about the again - after making a kiss-and-tell series!

If you don’t want media coverage, shut the hell up.

Megan is a self-made woman and a quality actress.

Harry’s entire claim to fame is being born. If he had been born to a normal , he would never have been noticed by anyone.

If they do choose to get out of the limelight and shut up, I’ll be delighted.

#harry #megan #media #netflix #family #wasteofspace #Royals #selfimportant #pointless

Last updated 2 years ago

NNY Liberty · @NNYLiberty
335 followers · 13993 posts · Server

Gotta feed that Ego

#selfimportant #CallofcHochul

Last updated 3 years ago