Not too long ago I posted something similar, but daddy already needed a few new cookies.
Our postman hates me and rightfully so.
#selfmotivation #workout #cookies #weights
#selfmotivation #workout #cookies #weights
Wer es wissen muss:
Lunges mit zwei 20kg Hanteln in der Hand sind eklig. #selfmotivation
I dearly missed my torture chamber during my vacation. Of course I did work out during my vacation too, but it just isn’t the same. Here I can push myself much harder.
#workout #selfmotivation
Its hard to grind.
Its hard to focus.
Its hard to stay motivated.
Its hard to be broke.
Its hard to be depressed.
Its hard to be anxious.
Its hard to be inconsistent.
Its hard to be disciplined.
Its hard not to believe in yourself.
Its hard to be poor.
Its hard to persevere.
Its hard to be compassionate.
Its hard to set goals.
Its hard to take care of yourself.
Its hard to let yourself go.
Its hard, its all hard,
So choose your hard!
There is a reward on the other side of hard.
It is crazy everything that looks "cool" needs an incredible amount of time.
It’s been a while since I had one of this size in my hand. And it is hard…but there is no easy, if it is why should I do it?
#selfmotivation #workout
A bit late for my afternoon workout, my abs are cramping like crazy (side effect of my post Covid cough drugs), but the gloves demand action.
So get of your ass and do it!
#workout #selfmotivation #coachpain
#workout #selfmotivation #coachpain
I’m normally an active person & like to keep myself as fit & healthy as my body/mind/time allows. After a forced break this last week (damn you Covid), I feel even more shattered because I’ve not been able to do what I would normally do. Funny how the body reacts to all manner of crazy stuff. Plan on gentle exercise towards the end of week & weekend & then step it up again. I got this !
I took this picture today, and I feel I’m finally regaining my biceps. Kinda motivated to keep working out, despite being stressed and depressed almost all the time (lol it rythmes) #selfmotivation
Olis vielä mahdollista tehdä tälle iltaa aivan huikea suoritus:
Pukea kengät ja takki, ja viedä pahvi ja biojäte jätekatokseen….
Dääm, onhan se tehtävä kun tännekin jo huutelin 🤭 #selfmotivation
It's Me vs Me, I'm not in a competition with anyone.
The goal is to improve each day and make sure I'm having a positive impact on the lives of those around me.
#self #selfmotivation #motivation #personaltraining #selfdevelopmemt #inspiration #morning #morninguk
#self #selfmotivation #motivation #personaltraining #selfdevelopmemt #inspiration #morning #morninguk
Guide of the day |How to Achieve your Dreams 🌈
#guide #selfmotivation #mondaymotivation
Guide of the day |How to Achieve your Dreams 🌈
#guide #selfmotivation #mondaymotivation
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door!
Die einzige Person, die dich bewegen kann Träume BIST DU.
The only person who can push you towards DREAM, is YOU
#dream #selfmotivation #onyourown #diy
credit: ich liebe Deutsch
#diy #onyourown #selfmotivation #dream
lurking on Mastod boosts my desire to buy a Raspberry Pi to have a nice testing webserver at home. My virtual boxes and Bitnami Stacks are gathering dust because I'm not feeling a connection to them right now...
Hmm.... #selfmotivation #stillthinking
#selfmotivation #stillthinking