#StuartKauffman - Is the #World #SelfOrganizing?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Biology #PhilosophyOfBiology #Evolution #PhaseTransition #PhaseSpace #PhaseTransitions #Emergence #Reductionism #Emergentism #Order #Organisation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #organisation #order #emergentism #reductionism #emergence #phasetransitions #phasespace #phasetransition #evolution #philosophyofbiology #biology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #selforganizing #world #stuartkauffman
Simon Asher Levin [1] mentioned by @jgpausas
From the same mentione d page in [1]:
#Ecosystems may be seen as "#SelfOrganizing systems in which random disturbance and colonization events create a heterogeneous landscape of diverse species, which then become knitted together through nutrient fluxes and other forms of interaction. Not all is chance, however [...] "
Simon Asher Levin [1] mentioned by @jgpausas
From [1]:
#Ecosystems may be seen as "#SelfOrganizing systems in which random disturbance and colonization events create a heterogeneous landscape of diverse species, which then become knitted together through nutrient fluxes and other forms of interaction. Not all is chance, however [...] "
organizations trust individual initiative and self-direction and are characterized by modular or stigmergic coordination.
#stigmergic #individuality #selforganizing #modular #federated
#stigmergic #individuality #selforganizing #modular #federated
#MaxTegmark - Is the #World #SelfOrganizing?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfPhysics #Entropy #2ndLaw #Thermodynamics #2ndLawOfThermodynamics #Order #Disorder #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Observer #Observation #ObserverInteraction #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #observerinteraction #observation #observer #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #disorder #order #2ndlawofthermodynamics #thermodynamics #2ndlaw #entropy #philosophyofphysics #philosophyofscience #philosophy #selforganizing #world #maxtegmark
I find myself in a place, where this end of year is under the threat, of the constant approach of humans be them "Russians" for the sake of efficient communication, with guns and missiles willing to kill all that disagrees with their orders. Of course some "Russian" nationals, are fighting against war, in russia, but they are too few to stop it. And some of them are at the moment in ukraine fighting theire fellow citizens. The hatered is going to stick on all of us.
If "Ukrainians" stop fighting, you will see the blood of all progressive, anti-authoritarians, anarchists, spread to the same ground, that will be worked to grow the cereals you might eat next year, sold to you by putin. Will you sit there, on a safety couch, protected by the army of the country you stay at the moment, as anarchists, and watch your comrades die one after an other? forgotten.
War is teaching us, that solidarity between people, can come to buying each others the gun this other might need, from the company that was once faught, and might be in future. If only bayraktars, tanks, fighter jets, patriots air defense systems could be stolen and brought to #ukraine. For now, we are dependant on capitalist structures, like with many things in our life. But donations in arms, is an ongoing practice. And yes, in this situation, you'd take the helping hand. If you say otherwhise, nobody believes you.
Want to speak about self organized gun and armement production? How would be organized a production system of defense, "armement cooperatives" should be structured? Or some might find virtue in imagining stealing them to recuperate the surplus value without accepting capitalist rule. whatever works, friends.
Producing our guns, our drones, our air defense systems, and controlling them. Don't you think it passes by being the ones who work with them? How to strike a war if you are not on frontline to do it if needed? .
This is a call for action. Arm up against war.
Become para-medics, go to work in armement industries, get in the army and police, or train to be able to defend yourselves and others. Keep open processes when possible, discuss your program with others. Take knowledge where it is. Help each others to overcome the burden of dossile thinking. Together let's take control of these machines. Don't let them in the hands of our political enemies. Become dangerous comrades. And remember we laugh at hierarchies, and know no gods neither masters. We need each others.
As a political movement, ours has the best to offer in lowering the level of violence our world is being drawn into. We must accept to get our hands dirty, to take the responsability in those very hands to live up to our ideals.
No fucking makhno ever did anything without compromises, strategy is not an esthetic reflex over pictures on instagram or twitter. Please, comrades, discussion, criticism, can be usefull, but if it's used in a stupid manner, to save your ass from any political cost of standing in front of the reality, just shuting up and listen, is also a valuable quality when you don't know.
Here, in front of such destructive power, running away only makes sense if it's until you go all around the planet to arrive behind your enemy to kill them, or organize mutiny there.
The sound of spred events of Russian soldiers killing their officers or even beating them up, is still too low to be heard, much too low to be taken into account. But our ears are sharp and we are willing to hear.
We will march until the fucking kremlin, be it with whoever is willing to risk their life for this: Enough with patriarchy, imperialism, fascism anywhere and everywhere.
For anarchy we stand, and make a step in History, but not by the door, rather by the trench, covered in red blood becoming quickly brown with the ground. We stay black in our convictions.
At the moment, winter is hiting hard,
people are freezing to death at the front due to poor logistics. Sometimes from our side too. We are dependent, on many behind us helping maintain it. Including you.
How many times, will we have to live past the death of our comrades, continue to make compromises that once we thought we don't have to. We will not surrender, not bow, no to a future of colonized feelings. We will continue to fight. Be with us.
#antiimperialism #anarchistsatwar #anticolonialism #UkraineWar #selforganizing #nowar #antimilitarism #SolidarityCollectives
#goodnightimperialpride #HelpWarVictims
#ResistanceCommittee #FckPutin #antifascism
#ukraine #antiimperialism #anarchistsatwar #anticolonialism #UkraineWar #selforganizing #nowar #antimilitarism #SolidarityCollectives #goodnightimperialpride #helpwarvictims #resistancecommittee #FckPutin #antifascism
A ragtag coalition of public-health activists believe that America’s pandemic restrictions are too lax—and they say they have the science to prove it.
#Emergence #NetworkScience #SelfOrganizing
#emergence #networkscience #selforganizing
Even Aristotle Knew Intelligence goes all the way down.
A new model describes how biological or technical systems form complex structures equipped with signal-processing capabilities that allow the systems to respond to stimulus and perform functional tasks without external guidance.
#science #ai #artificialintelligence #intelligence #selforganizing
#selforganizing #intelligence #artificialintelligence #ai #science
#Rugby „No one player, no matter how skilled, can score without the support of the rest of the team.“
Scrum promotes a set of #values as well, which are “#commitment, #focus, #openness, #respect and #courage.
Scrum teams, #selforganizing and #adaptable, are in the best position possible to help their organizations capitalize on and succeed in a changing business climate.
#agile #scrum #rugby #values #commitment #adaptable #focus #openness #respect #courage #selforganizing
Revolution in Every Country Comic Series: Episode 1 – Syria: Erasing an Inconvenient Revolution https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/revolution-in-every-country-episode-1-syria-erasing-an-inconvenient-revolution/ #Arts_&_Culture #Global #aleppo #comic_series #comics #deir_alzour #douma_4 #horizontalism #latakia #lcc #leila_alshami #local_coordination_committees #local_councils #manbij #omar_aziz #razan_zaitouneh #Revolution #revolution_in_every_country #selforganizing #Syria #yassin_alhaj_saleh #yass
#Arts_ #global #aleppo #comic_series #comics #deir_alzour #douma_4 #horizontalism #latakia #lcc #leila_alshami #local_coordination_committees #local_councils #manbij #omar_aziz #razan_zaitouneh #Revolution #revolution_in_every_country #selforganizing #syria #yassin_alhaj_saleh #yass
#Beobachterperspektive #Beweisverfahren
#FritzBSimon - #Unterschiede die Unterschiede machen: #Unterscheidung #Arithmetik // #Algebra
#HeinzVonFoerster - On #Selforganizing #Systems and their #Environments: Zweiter Satz #Thermodynamik: #Negentropie // #Entropie: #Reductio ad #absurdum
Einige #Beweisprinzipien
#Grundlagen der #Mathematik, #Abbildungen, #Funktionen, #Folgen
#beobachterperspektive #beweisverfahren #fritzbsimon #unterschiede #unterscheidung #arithmetik #algebra #heinzvonfoerster #selforganizing #systems #environments #thermodynamik #negentropie #entropie #reductio #absurdum #beweisprinzipien #grundlagen #mathematik #abbildungen #funktionen #folgen
Anybody heard about Valve and their #selforganizing company model? Looks like some strange stuff was going on down there and it's getting press. Maybe something the #coop community should be aware of...