@jeff @ericdano @mikeblake @carnage4life Something I've long suspected keeps hashtag traffic down: I'm perfectly happy for anyone to search my posts, but I don't want to look like a #selfpromoting #hashtagging #SEO #spammer in all my #mastodon posts. Also, if you use #inlinehashtags, #hashtagslookbad and #hashtagsarenotreadable.
Basically, I feel like there are more drawbacks from including hashtags (people that follow me thinking my posts are spammy and/or low quality) than including them (making my posts [barely] searchable).
#selfpromoting #hashtagging #seo #spammer #mastodon #inlinehashtags #hashtagslookbad #hashtagsarenotreadable
@BlueBeachSong the answer to all of the above is YES!!
#Mastodon is truly a #Free space to speak your mind. There is no #ElonOverlord to arbitrarily tell you what you can and cannot do. π
Anyone that tells you that you can't do the above is free to block your content or scroll on by.
We're ALL here #SelfPromoting the things we love so you should feel free to do so too!
Thanks for the #follow. I'm sure that I will enjoy your #politics and #art! #FollowingBack
#mastodon #free #elonoverlord #selfpromoting #follow #politics #art #followingback
#selfpromoting .... again
Wishing to bring some peace to this crazy world....