Tales From The WIP: 09012023
#amwriting #creativewriting #editing #indiepub #published #publisher #publishers #publishing #selfpub #selfpublishing #words #writing #writingadvice #writingtips
#amwriting #creativewriting #editing #IndiePub #published #publisher #publishers #publishing #selfpub #selfpublishing #words #writing #writingadvice #writingtips
Heute ist der letzte Tag meiner Augustpause und ich freue mich schon riesig darauf, mich ab morgen wieder in meine Geschichten zu stürzen. 😄
Zwar habe ich bisschen Orga und Marketingkram in den letzten Wochen erledigt, es geht aber nichts über Textarbeit. 😍🖤
Can anyone recommend a self-help book that describes the steps to get from “completed draft” to “published indie book”? I will be self-publishing. I know about beta readers and editing… it’s everything else that is nebulous. It’s time to learn!
#selfpublishing #selfpub #writingcommunity #author
I had a bad experience with a book and blogged about it:
Die Goodiebag-Vorbereitungen für die VÖ von #ProjektGeisterjäger laufen auf Hochtouren. Die Rückseite meiner Salzpäckchen kann ich euch leider noch nicht zeigen, denn da ist das Cover drauf. 👻
#projektgeisterjager #selfpub #autorenalltag
I asked this question over on Twitter, but I'm curious what mastodon creators have got for me...
I'm working on a queer cozy fantasy about a demon running a pub and honestly? I think it's going to be amazing. Actually, I know it's going to be amazing. So I want to help it succeed in ANY way I can. I'm making a list of ideas.
What's the best/craziest/most fun way you've seen a creator promote their work?
#writersofmastdon #indieauthors #smallbusiness #smallcreators #artistsofmastadon #selfpub
#writersofmastdon #indieauthors #smallbusiness #smallcreators #artistsofmastadon #selfpub
Since it’s #SPSFC2 finals day (!) I thought I’d celebrate with a sale - grab an eBook copy of Aestus 1 🥉 for ~60% off! #scifi #SummerReads
Fun fact; the City’s logo looks a bit like the 3rd place medallion below!
#bookstodon #books #IndieAuthors #selfpub #ScienceFiction
“at the level of…Dune” -IHeartSci-fi
“nothing short of brilliant” -C. J. Shane
#sciencefiction #selfpub #indieauthors #books #bookstodon #summerreads #scifi #spsfc2
This Week in Fiction (Jul 9-15) https://ko-fi.com/post/This-Week-in-Fiction-Jul-9-15-I2I0N90BU
In case you think you might have missed some fiction I pushed out this week. ;)
#writing #SelfPub
Beim Börsenblatt gibt es einen Artikel über die Zahlen des Buchmarktes 2022.
Ich liebe solche Analysen, vielleicht interessiert es euch ja auch: https://www.boersenblatt.net/news/boersenverein/die-offiziellen-zahlen-fuer-den-buchmarkt-2022-sind-da-291937
30 Days of #QueerBooks
Collections of #SelfPub #IndieAuthor flash fiction, ranging from sci-fi to fantasy to surreal to memoir vignettes, all creative and quirky and full of interesting ideas captured in a single moment. "Love and Comets" is more complete, but "Homeward Bound" is my favorite collection.
#queerbooks #selfpub #indieauthor
Ich hab mein Sommergetränk 2023 gefunden.
Gekühltes Sprudelwasser mit Minze & Zitrone.
Ich weiß, nicht besonders fancy & bin mal wieder #LateToTheParty, aber ich find's toll. 😜
Und perfekt für den Schreiballtag, weil es einem nicht das Hirn verdreht. 😂
#latetotheparty #autorenleben #selfpub
Wichtige Neuigkeit für das #Selfpublishing:
#BoD wird in Zukunft bei kaum veränderten Leistungen deutlich teurer. Damit gewinnt die Veröffentlichung über #TolinoMedia noch mal deutlich an Attraktivität.
#Autor_innenleben #selfpub #buechermachen @buechermachen
#selfpublishing #bod #tolinomedia #autor_innenleben #selfpub #buechermachen
Er der nogen herinde som har en mening om hvorvidt det er okay at udlevere sit CPR-nr til en amerikansk forlægger af skattemæssige årsager?
#forfatter #skriver #selvudgiver #indie #selfpub
Der Sohn hat mir gestern beim Brainstormen für den Titel von #ProjektGeisterjäger geholfen.
Es ist so toll, wie viel er nach meiner Schreiberei fragt. Und über die Bücher kann ich ihm allmählich auch ein klitzekleines Bisschen mehr verraten. 😍🖤
#projektgeisterjager #mamaschreibt #selfpub
So I am trying something new this summer. Specifically, I reserved a table as a vendor at a local #scifi #convention to promote my own book. I don't know a lot of #smallpress #authors who have done this, but if any of you are out there, how did it go for you? Any tips for me? #selfpub authors?
#scifi #convention #smallpress #authors #selfpub
#sherrybriscoe.com #amwriting #author #authorlife #book #bookmarketing #books #creativewriting #indieauthors #fiction #novelist #selfpub #writer #writerssupportingwriters #writing #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips
#sherrybriscoe #amwriting #author #authorlife #book #bookmarketing #books #creativewriting #indieauthors #fiction #novelist #selfpub #writer #writerssupportingwriters #writing #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips
https://medium.com/@sherryabriscoe FOLLOW ME on #Medium.com for insights into the writing and indie-publishing universe. Be a fan of great #storytelling and get valuable tips on #writing #fiction, #authorlife #creativewriting #indieauthor #selfpub #writer #writersonwriting #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips #ghoststories #murder #monsters #magic #witches #sherrybriscoe.com
Be sure to click the little envelope too! Thank you!
#medium #storytelling #writing #fiction #authorlife #creativewriting #indieauthor #selfpub #writer #writersonwriting #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips #ghoststories #murder #monsters #magic #witches #sherrybriscoe
#sherrybriscoe.com #amwriting #author #authorlife #book #bookmarketing #books #creativewriting #indieauthors #fiction #novelist #selfpub #writer #writerssupportingwriters #writing #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips
#sherrybriscoe #amwriting #author #authorlife #book #bookmarketing #books #creativewriting #indieauthors #fiction #novelist #selfpub #writer #writerssupportingwriters #writing #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips