How to self promote as a #selfpublised #writer when you don't like Twitter, don't understand Instagram, don't use Facebook, and are too old for TikTok (let's face it, it'll be banned soon).
I've decided to create a YouTube channel talking about #fantasy and #SciFi #writing. This may be the dumbest thing I've ever done. 🤪
#today I started creating a studio set 🤣 using some cheap furniture. I'm calling it #ProjectFinnby after the IKEA bookcases. Wish me luck.
#selfpublised #writer #fantasy #scifi #writing #today #projectfinnby #writingcommunity #amwriting
Still working on details of manipulated #photos from my #project #Dunkelwald, this was an experiment with heavy vignetting.
I may change the German name of te book into #Grimmwald. A play on grim/Brothers Grimm, as content and imagery of the book deal with the enchanted/fairytale aspects of forests as well as their eerie aspects.
#photography #art #book #selfpublised #foto #kunst #Fotobuch
#natur #nature #wald #forest #fotobuch #kunst #foto #selfpublised #book #art #photography #grimmwald #dunkelwald #project #photos