5) If you happen to develop symptoms #SelfQuarantine to protect others. Remember, #CovidIsAirborne
You don’t want to be responsible for getting your friends sick, disabling them, or possibly even killing them. Your good time isn’t worth someone’s life.
#selfquarantine #COVIDisAirborne #careaboutpeople
In China, people are learning to live with COVID https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-people-are-learning-live-with-covid-2022-12-23/ #SELFQUARANTINE(TV) #CORONAVIRUS/CHINA #HEALTH
#health #Coronavirus #selfquarantine
Postal service: "Your package was not delivered, we tried and could not reach you!"
And where exactly do you think I've been all day? #corona #selfquarantine
I've decided to experiment this week with making a few short videos a day. Main platform will be Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrissimo42
We're also doing longer family videos on Brit's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiOqwGbV4ccWRtr0wFqX51Q
RT @patrissimo@twitter.activitypub.actor
Thoughts on #selfquarantine and personal growth. Once supplies are ordered and you close the gate, quarantine is a form of "fast from…
Thoughts on #selfquarantine and personal growth. Once supplies are ordered and you close the gate, quarantine is a form of "fast from shopping" - a break from everyday materialism and the ease of the Amazon… https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PZ5MYlhgI/?igshid=19o18onqli2lm