@jeffgreene @edutooters @psychology
If #SelfRegulatedLearning were my daughter and she started dating #CognitiveLoad, I'd take her out for lunch and try to artfully suggest she think twice about getting mixed up with the guy.
#CognitiveLoad #selfregulatedlearning
We have an open PhD position at #EdAptiv! You'll be "Optimizing Personalized Learning at Scale by Setting Up Failure For Success" at the Psychological Methods group @UniversityofAmsterdam: https://vacatures.uva.nl/UvA/job/PhD-Candidate-in-Psychological-Methods-for-Optimizing-Personalized-Learning-at-Scale/773875402/
#AIinEducation #SelfRegulatedLearning #AdaptiveLearning #PhDposition #PhDvacancy #PhDstudent #PhD #ScienceJobs
#ScienceJobs #phd #PhDstudent #phdvacancy #phdPosition #adaptivelearning #selfregulatedlearning #aiineducation #edaptiv
Hey Mastodon,
here‘s my first toot. I‘ve decided to give it a real try on this platform since the other one… well, you know…
I‘m a #PostDoc in #EducationalPsychology, researching #SelfRegulatedLearning, #AlgorithmicGroupFormation, and all kinds of #EducationalTechnology.
Below you can see what #ChatGPT makes out of my CV.
Happy to get in touch with you!
#postdoc #educationalpsychology #selfregulatedlearning #algorithmicgroupformation #educationaltechnology #chatgpt