La réparation s’est bien passée.
J’ai maintenant un iPhone avec 28h d’autonomie en utilisation normale.
Un haut parleur qui ne grésille plus.
Des performances stables jusqu’au bout de la batterie.
Je suis reparti pour 5 ans j’espère 🤞
#iPhone #battery #selfrepair
#Samsung #selfrepair adesso è attivo anche in Italia. Ripara da solo il tuo #device Samsung con i pezzi originali e i #tutorial video e scritti.
Certo non è per tutti, ma adesso #riparare un Samsung da soli è possibile e permette di #risparmiare.
#samsung #selfrepair #device #tutorial #riparare #risparmiare
@edv_nachrichten @heiseonline wahrscheinlich aber immernoch nicht alles was #AASP's bekommen und schon garnicht custom Chips deren Dostribution Apple monopolisiert.
Am Ende dient @Apple's "#SelfRepair" doch nur als #Nebelkerze um notwendige und überfällige #RightToRepair - Gesetze propagandistisch wegzu-#FUD'den!
#fud #RightToRepair #nebelkerze #selfrepair #aasp
This is actually quite cool. Nokia is taking steps to make their phones easier to repair _at home_.
Looks like a partnership with iFixit. Let's hope it works for both of them.
#Nokia #ifixit #selfrepair #sustainability
It may not look pretty but after replacing a 5€ broken transistor, the washing machine runs just fine again. The technician probably would have changed the whole logic board. #selfrepair #ftw
With the new ones due out any moment, time to start repairing the old ones!
Samsung expands self-repair program to include S22 and Galaxy Book devices | Engadget
#Samsung #SelfRepair #GalaxyS22 #GalaxyBook #RightToRepair #TechNews
#samsung #selfrepair #galaxys22 #galaxybook #righttorepair #technews
I've gifted myself an #ifixit set and I am not disappointed.
#ifixit #selfrepair #diy #repair
Right To Repair: Erstes Gesetz wird in letzter Minute wirkungslos #RightToRepair #Selbstreparatur #SelfRepair #NewYork #Gesetz #Lobbyismus,133780.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#righttorepair #Selbstreparatur #selfrepair #newyork #gesetz #lobbyismus
Apple launches Self Service Repair in Europe,
It's available in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
Can be rent for 49USD.
Europeans gain access to Apple parts, manuals in Self Service Repair program
The countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the UK
#eu #apple #selfrepair #SelfServiceRepair
You're liable for your actions and need face the consequences, whether you like it or not. You can't burn down a building complex with the phone charger bodge you call #SelfRepair and then go all Shaggy on the authorities, it doesn't work like that.
Also, there's a big difference between repairing your router and its charger, you don't want to be near the mains voltage if you are not trained for that, or rechargable batteries, those are also tricky.
Apple doing their best to tank Right to Repair with malicious Compliance.
#Apple #righttorepair #iphones #selfrepair #news #tech #technology
#apple #righttorepair #iphones #selfrepair #news #tech #technology
Apple doing their best to tank Right to Repair with malicious Compliance.
#Apple #righttorepair #iphones #selfrepair #news #tech #technology
#apple #righttorepair #iphones #selfrepair #news #tech #technology
Want to get into repairing my own clothes. Does anyone have any good resources on where to start?
Da alcuni anni sto seguendo con sempre maggior interesse il mondo del #righttorepair; penso sia giusto sia da un punto di vista etico che per limitare l'impatto ambientale portare avanti questo genere di campagne.
Qualche giorno fa è uscito il 'tanto atteso' #selfrepair program di #Apple.
Purtroppo è esattamente come sospettavo sin dal momento in cui è stato annunciato: fuffa. Quasi totalmente fuffa fatta per marketing o lobbismo.
Più informazioni qua:
#apple #selfrepair #righttorepair