Food shortages see surge in home-growing, say suppliers.
#growfood #UrbanHomesteading #homesteading #selfsufficency
Pleasing to the eye, taste buds and stomach!
#homesteading #selfsufficency #selfsufficient #homecooking #sourdough
"Gardening is one of the most vital practices for teaching people the art of creaturely life. With this art people are asked to slow down and calibrate their desires to meet the needs and potential of the plants and animals under their care. Gardeners are invited to learn patience and to develop the sort of sympathy in which personal flourishing becomes tied to the flourishing of the many creatures that nurture them." ~ Norman Wirzba
#simpleliving #radicalchange #selfsufficency #gardening
"Learning to produce our own food is essential if we are to ever truly take control of our own lives. It liberates us from the role of passive consumer, remote from real decisions, alienated from nature." - Primal Seeds
#SimpleLiving #RadicalChange #food #SelfSufficency #gardening
#simpleliving #radicalchange #food #selfsufficency #gardening
“We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” ~ Aldo Leopold
#RegenerativeAgriculture #SelfSufficency #green
#green #selfsufficency #regenerativeagriculture