@ar_collins @dpnash @MrRidleyKemp @isomeme Right wingers give fake ass honour roles/titles to biggest/loudest/best recruiter too. I want ppl to know this is why right wingers LOVE to select & exploit sellout POCs. I want ppl to know #POC #sellouts are exploited for WS & right wing #political shittery. I want more POC ppl to recognize that fact & how it's used against fights for justice.
SF Pride's list of ban items includes water and food, sounds like an attack on people who can't afford the over priced concession stands.
How wise is banning whistles when historically they've been used by the LGBT+ community as a form of self defense?
My other question is how do they have the Faerie Village if marijuana is banned?
This confirms I'm staying away from SF Corporate Pride and sticking with Juanita More's People's March and Rally.
#CorporatePride #Gay #SFPride #LGBT #BeingGayCostsMoney #InclusionUnlessYou'rePoor #PrideWasARiot #SellOuts #PeoplesMarch #JuanitaMore
#corporatepride #gay #sfpride #lgbt #beinggaycostsmoney #inclusionunlessyou #pridewasariot #sellouts #peoplesmarch #juanitamore
Rory McIlroy: 'It's hard for me … not to feel like a sacrificial lamb' after the PGA Tour-Saudi deal - Golf Digest
#PGA #Traitors #SellOuts
Rory should start his own association—I feel so sorry for the principled golfers, they got duped by the PGA money grabbers https://apple.news/At8YxLJECRIm6dSGkZyaKNg
@mpjgregoire I believe it's the first to include all of BC's Chinese Canadian histories & not restricted to only one area.
This is also first time my useless, shitty MLA has appeared in public for a long time. She sold her voters out & not getting in on next election. This is someone who loved my photos of her so much - her campaign team tried bringing me on as her photog in last run. I turned them down. I don't work for anyone I lost respect for & have proven to be #unethical #sellouts
Texturism ugh #Africa #Africans #Hair #Weaves #Wigs #FakeHair #China #Africa #Ghana #Colorism #Colorists #Texturism #sellouts #Ghanians #DreadLocks #Europeans #BlackPeople #perms #HairRelaxers #Cancer #CancerCausing #HarmfulChemicals #Chemicals #WestAfrica
#Africa #africans #hair #weaves #wigs #fakehair #China #Ghana #colorism #colorists #texturism #sellouts #ghanians #dreadlocks #Europeans #blackpeople #perms #hairrelaxers #cancer #cancercausing #harmfulchemicals #chemicals #WestAfrica
Fuck these #greedy #sellouts 🤑🤬
We've been fighting against their #FishFarms for DECADES! They're #IndianAct colonized capitalists & disconnected from their own peoples. I know because I've been in the wild salmon protection battle for 16 yrs. We've confronted these sellouts. They are awful & cowardly humans. #ShameOnThem
#greedy #sellouts #fishfarms #indianact #shameonthem
The #Indigenous #FirstNations folks who are trying to buy #TransMountain #Oil #Pipeline are #Sellouts & going against their #Elders teachings & #dishonouring their #ancestors because #greed is their disease & they possess #ColonizedMinds - not thinking or planning for #7Generations #futures & I don't respect that. They're the exact same kinda #selfish & #greedy #humans that my family didn't tolerate. My fam torched sellout leaders homes. Painful to see sellouts here, falling into greed pits.
#indigenous #firstnations #transmountain #oil #pipeline #sellouts #elders #dishonouring #ancestors #greed #colonizedminds #7generations #futures #selfish #greedy #humans
Not my article but a great article FUCK CHRIS ROCK SAME FOR MICHAEL BLACKSON AND EPPS!! #Stop supporting #Misogynistic #Colorist #Sellouts #coons
#africanamerican #BlackAmericans #BlackAmerica #America #USA #Comedy #Africa #Africans #Colorism #Colorist #Comedians #Hypocrites #Darkskin slander and #LightSkin #ChrisRock #MichaelBlackson #Ghana #Ghanian #Sellout #Blackmastodon
#stop #misogynistic #colorist #sellouts #coons #africanamerican #blackamericans #blackamerica #america #usa #comedy #Africa #africans #colorism #Comedians #hypocrites #darkskin #lightskin #chrisrock #michaelblackson #Ghana #ghanian #sellout #blackmastodon
Only #political work I'm doing til next #GeneralElection in #BritishColumbia is ensuring #BCNDP #NewDeathParty loses in my community & it looks like I won't be fighting uphill for that because most BC citizens are #FEDup with multiple government lies. BC NDP is the new blue in BC & they're f**king up our province. Bunch of corporate #sellouts & their federal #NDP is out of touch & massive weakass #lipservice agents. They're political prostitutes now. Real prostitutes are more honest!
#political #generalelection #britishcolumbia #bcndp #newdeathparty #fedup #sellouts #ndp #lipservice
RCMP CIRG get 6 months training & it's fast tracked if their higher up in ranks too. Ppl outside Canada - RCMP CIRG was created shortly after #IdleNoMore movement shutdown Canada & govts got scared. CIRG is full #corporateMercenaries unit, #funded by #public #TaxDollars & they use #violence on #Indigenous #FirstNations peoples on their own #Uncedes lands. Govt depends on public #ignorance on #IndianAct & choose #BandCouncil #sellouts to talk to; who have ZERO #jurisdiction on non reserve lands.
#idlenomore #corporatemercenaries #funded #public #taxdollars #violence #indigenous #firstnations #uncedes #ignorance #indianact #bandcouncil #sellouts #jurisdiction
We don't like having to say this but tread carefully around "people" who joined during the #MemecoinerMusk takeover.
About 90% of the people who are currently crying for the #Google 'employees' (read: '#coConspirators' or '#sellOuts') appear to have joined during that time.
#memecoinerMusk #google #coConspirators #sellouts #twitterbots #TurdSite
Current/constant mood, towards the colonial capitalist systems. F**K #Sellouts - you little teeny twatwaffling poor excuse of a diseased testicle 😌 #ThoughtsAndPrayers - ya freaking shitstains. EAT A POLICE BOOT.
#FuckThePolice #NWA #NotSorry #AntiRacism #ACAB #DefundThePolice #AbolishRCMPCIRG #NoJusticeNoPeace #WatchYourBackSellout #SelloutsGoToHell #SelloutsAreCowards #SelloutsAreShitbags #FuckYouSellout #SellloutCowards #WatchYourBack #ComingForYourSelloutAss
#sellouts #thoughtsandprayers #fuckthepolice #nwa #notsorry #antiracism #acab #DefundThePolice #abolishrcmpcirg #nojusticenopeace #watchyourbacksellout #selloutsgotohell #selloutsarecowards #selloutsareshitbags #fuckyousellout #sellloutcowards #watchyourback #comingforyourselloutass
Arthur Goldstein: Why Is My Union Selling Out Its Members’ Healthcare? - Since she lied to us in a meeting I attended in 2015, I have known better than trust Randi Weingarten. https://dianeravitch.net/2023/01/08/arthur-goldstein-why-is-my-union-selling-out-its-members-healthcare/ via @dianeravitch #Education #Sellouts
#Memories of #SignMaking for #protest against #RCMP in #VictoriaBC last year.
#DefundRCMP #DisbandRCMPCIRG #genocidalAgents #corporateMercenaries #PensionPeons #Sellouts #Colonizers #AbuseOfPower #BadgedCriminals #BritishColumbia #Canada #injustice #ecojustice #SocialJustice #activism #MMIWG #StopCorruption #ACAB #StopPoliceViolence #SystematicRacism #KKKanada
#memories #signmaking #protest #rcmp #victoriabc #defundrcmp #disbandrcmpcirg #genocidalagents #corporatemercenaries #pensionpeons #sellouts #colonizers #abuseofpower #badgedcriminals #britishcolumbia #canada #injustice #ecojustice #socialjustice #activism #mmiwg #StopCorruption #acab #StopPoliceViolence #SystematicRacism #KKKanada
My people's don't share the secretive nature on Turtle Island. I'm from blended ancient Teochew & tribal Vietnamese cultures. We don't stay silent when village leaders sell us out w/no consent. My family overseas helped burn down entire complex #sellouts lived in. We do NOT fuck around with traitor sellouts.
I used to work in pro sports. I'm against it now. While decolonizing, realized I can't actively support many pro sports because they depend on craptalism, racism & tokenization of BIPOC peoples to get ahead & make profits that most of us can't even imagine. For what? Most athletes would actually work for less & still want to play hard. Maybe we can start exposing several pro athletes who worship money above their sport & their own conscience. I have zero respect for #sellouts in any arena.
🟢 so yeah, if anyone is still or has ever been on Deviant Art. they are sellouts and already stole your art.
⚫ But! if you go to account settings > general > No AI tag on all art, they say it will flag all your art as not for AI... and somehow that protects you.
I'm not sure how it works but I know we should know more than this posting art anywhere from this point on.
🟢 woulda been cool to start with that but their corporate scum are clearly stoked to launch their new AI art deal, so they threw everyone under the bus, especially people not logged in today, or ever, because they lost their style long ago.
⚫ holding on because my anti-NFT free trial is still on, but... see where this is going?
🟢 into the pockets of their investors, thanks to you artists and a mass of weebs who will now play with your work.
⚫ really sucks of course, because I liked them as an easy portfolio storage site, and fun art browsing, friend making tool. they just aren't the same anymore, nothing is.
#Deviantart #Artists #Illustrators #SellOuts #NoAI #NoNFT #AntiCapitalist #Anarchist #FediArt #ArtOnFedi #DA #ArtistsOnMastadon #ArtistsOnFedi
#deviantart #artists #illustrators #sellouts #NoAI #noNFT #anticapitalist #Anarchist #fediart #artonfedi #da #ArtistsOnMastadon #artistsonfedi
@DavidLawn Yes... "we the people" must take control of our #government
Currently the government is #corrupt #surviellance state #BigPharma #bigtech #biggovernment #ccp #sellouts to #China
#China #sellouts #ccp #biggovernment #BigTech #BigPharma #surviellance #corrupt #government
> "Bitcoin is bad for the environment and is a #pyramidScheme."
Silent on the real ponzi that destroys the #environment (ie. the #stockMarket), eerily missing on action on #CloudFlare, and lost their tongue on #inflation.
It just seems weird doesn't it.
#influencerSellOut #soldOutInfluencers #sellouts #influencer #fraud
#pyramidscheme #environment #stockmarket #cloudflare #inflation #influencerSellOut #soldOutInfluencers #sellouts #influencer #fraud