#ephys study of monkeys reveals a 2-stage mechanism for recalling #SemanticMemory: 1. retrieve its allocentric representation in #PerirhinalCortex, 2. represent the retrieved information in the 1st-person perspective by #hippocampal neurons #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3qB4Olx
#plosbiology #hippocampal #perirhinalcortex #semanticmemory #ephys
I am a #CognitiveNeuroscience researcher working on #ConceptRepresentation, #Language comprehension, and #SemanticMemory. I have used event-related potentials, TMS, and MEG, but my primary tools are #fMRI and behavioral performance measures of #cognition.
#cognition #fmri #semanticmemory #language #conceptrepresentation #cognitiveneuroscience
Lieto, Antonio, Lebiere, Christian, & Oltramari, Alessandro (2018). The knowledge level in cognitive architectures: Current limitations and possible developments. Cognitive Systems Research, 48, 39-55.
#knowledgerepresentation #knowledgeprocessing #semanticmemory #cognitivearchitectures #cognitivesystems #ArtificialIntelligence #cognitivemodelling #computationalcognitivescience #AI
#ai #computationalcognitivescience #cognitivemodelling #artificialintelligence #CognitiveSystems #cognitivearchitectures #semanticmemory #knowledgeprocessing #knowledgerepresentation