Get ready for an epic time at #ISWS2023 with our outstanding keynoters & tutors! 🔥 Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience, sign up now! 🙌
Claudia d'Amato, Irele Celino, John Domingue, Michel Dumontier, Aidan Hogan, Aldo Gangemi, Albert Mereño Peñuela, Sebastian Rudolph, Frank van Harmelen, Juan Sequeda, Luc Steels, Maria-Esther Vidal
#SemanticWebHumor #llm #creativeAI #kge #AI #knowledgegraphs #artificialintelligence
#isws2023 #semanticwebhumor #llm #creativeai #kge #ai #KnowledgeGraphs #artificialintelligence
@s_egami following the Open World Assumption, both are correct ;-)
#semanticwebhumor #semanticweb