Oh nice. One of my formative texts is available to be borrowed from #ArchiveDotOrg https://archive.org/details/semiotextesf0000unse/mode/2up (or for download from libgen ⛵oops I 🏴☠️, yoho). I should probably reread that for a laugh sometime.
I wonder if the screen reading experience allows the flipbook animated robot cock in the bottom left corner to work as well as the paper edition
#archivedotorg #scifi #rudyrucker #semiotexte
My "To Read" list is getting out of control... Halfway through "The Village Idiot" by Steve Stern- gorgeous book. Rereading Semiotext(e) SF (college favorite) and definitely main-lining Lanegan (no pun intended). #bookstodon #MarkLanegan #SteveStern #Semiotexte #byungchulhan #PattiSmith #nkjemisin #Crass #EmmaGoldman #michaelwtwitty #RevolutionaryYiddishland
#bookstodon #marklanegan #stevestern #semiotexte #byungchulhan #pattismith #nkjemisin #crass #emmagoldman #michaelwtwitty #revolutionaryyiddishland
New books for the week, from Book Beat in Oak Park, MI. #deleuzeandguattari #semiotexte #blackmountainpoets #bookbeat
#deleuzeandguattari #semiotexte #blackmountainpoets #bookbeat
The latest The text-langue Daily! https://paper.li/tanzmax/text-langue?edition_id=0398f6d0-f7cf-11ec-9f39-fa163e65ae25 Thanks to @gyoung9751@twitter.com #denniscooper #semiotexte