tuttleturtle · @tuttleturtle
224 followers · 407 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Are we getting to the point of shifts in language where if I call myself people don't think of me as using non speech communication methods the majority of the time?

The ways we talk about the between 100% and 0% speech keeps moving and it's complicated to figure out what people expect from terms


Last updated 1 year ago

Andi 💙 · @nd_scientist
222 followers · 359 posts · Server ableism.rip

I want to give a shout out to all the , , and people, whether or having other disabilities. We live in a society that emphasizes spoken communications, and alternatives like are not always available or offered to people who cannot speak. It is important that we remember and listen to those in the @actuallyautistic and @disability community that cannot (always) communicate verbally. There are alternative forms of communication that are just as valid and need to be respected. Make sure you listen to these members of our community. When possible, promote AAC as and alternative form of communication, especially to those who would write off children or adults who cannot speak verbally.

#nonspeaking #nonverbal #semispeaking #actuallyautistic #aac

Last updated 2 years ago

Autistic Fairy · @autistic_fairy
28 followers · 20 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

I'm because I require monotropic flow to organize my thoughts, which is difficult in social situations, and my age-intensified and has made that extra difficult.

Physical socializing is a situation. There's environmental inputs, the person talking and my feeling of the person perceiving me. This prevents monotropic focus from forming so I can't organize a sentence.

#semispeaking #actuallyautistic #hyperlexia #adhd #polytropic #Monotropism #nonverbal #SemiVerbal #Autistic

Last updated 2 years ago