[#billet] "Do you #SPARQL ?" - Compilation de requêtes patrimoniales et culturelles #Wikidata - #Patrimoine et #numérique
D'après les géniales #1jour1requete de @belett , en clair pour faciliter modifs et remix (surtout quand on manque de temps pour se plonger dans les tutos et vidéos)
#semweb #archives #musee #bibliotheque #glam #openglam poke @archivistodon
#openglam #glam #bibliotheque #musee #archives #semweb #1jour1requete #numerique #patrimoine #wikidata #sparql #billet
⚡ Calling students & young academics with interest in #literature: Apply for a #CLSinfraTNAfellowship at @ACDHCH_OeAW to level up your research & visit beautiful Vienna/AT
➡️ Data Modelling & Curation
➡️ #SemWeb Technologies & LOD
➡️ #NLProc & #DigitalEditions 👉 https://clsinfratna.sciencescall.org/resource/page/id/3
🚨 30 May Closing date!
#literature #clsinfratnafellowship #semweb #nlproc #DigitalEditions
Deadline of International #semanticweb research #summerschool #ISWS2023 has been extended from March 30th to April 10th! This is the last chance to apply at #ISWS2023! 🙌🏻 Don't miss out!
#llm #creativeAI #kge #AI #knowledgegraphs #semweb #apply
#semanticweb #summerschool #isws2023 #llm #creativeai #kge #ai #KnowledgeGraphs #semweb #apply
Enjoyed a few days on the French Riviera and visited #wimmics to present my research about #knowledgeGraph construction, refinement and applications with a #neuroSymbolicAI perspective. Thrilled by the great discussions! Many thanks to @fabien_gandon and all team members!
Replay: youtu.be/_yn6-N6Z-oA
#wimmics #knowledgegraph #NeuroSymbolicAI #neurosymbolic #linkeddata #semweb #deeplearning
Attention all aspiring students of #AI #knowledgegraphs #semanticweb Don't forget that you have until March 30th to apply for the #ISWS2023. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss out on!
#creativeAI #kge #AI #knowledgegraph #semweb #apply #PhD #summerschool #digitalhumanities #computerscience
#ai #KnowledgeGraphs #semanticweb #isws2023 #creativeai #kge #knowledgegraph #semweb #apply #phd #summerschool #digitalhumanities #computerscience
I like this example of Open World Includes Hell, Deal With It By Labelling It As "Here Be Dragons" And Avoiding It.
#semweb #activitypub #standards #mastodon
I like this example of Open World Includes Hell, Deal With It By Labelling It As "Here Be Dragons" And Avoiding It.
#semweb #activepub #standards #mastodon
I have been a bit quite here, but that is because this channel is just for coverage of meeting, but my regular, main account is @egonw@scholar.social where you can read about #chemistry #biology #semweb and more
RT @InfAI_eV@twitter.com
Wir freuen uns auf die #SemanticsConf 2023, welche im wunderschönen #Leipzig stattfinden wird. Unsere Kolleginnen Julia Holze @SaVahdati@twitter.com und @Michael_Martin@twitter.com
unterstützen die Konferenz vor Ort. #LinkedData #SemanticWeb #AI #semweb https://twitter.com/SemanticsConf/status/1600512359470080000
#semweb #AI #semanticweb #linkeddata #Leipzig #semanticsconf
What predicate to use when adding a definition to an rdfs:Class? rdfs:comment? skos:definition? dc:description? something else? #semweb #rdf #knowledgegraph
Billet de Thomas Francart : élaborer des tableaux de bord exploitant des données RDF (via interrogation SPARQL) grâce à Google Data Studio http://blog.sparna.fr/2022/10/18/dashboards-from-sparql-knowledge-graphs-using-looker-studio-google-data-studio/ #semweb
Publishing #RDF data: technologies like #HDT, #LinkedDataFragments and public #SPARQL endpoints are great in theory, but in practice plain old #NTriples files seem to have best effort-benefit ratio. What do you think? #SemWeb #OpenData
#opendata #semweb #NTriples #sparql #LinkedDataFragments #HDT #rdf
@pdehaye I can't see the toot to which you are replying, but when it comes to finding people, you might like to try this link:
Finding your first person is hard, but then you can "pull on the thread".
You can also search for hashtags like #SemWeb and similar.
where do I look for the transitional links between the #SemanticWeb #semweb / #LinkedData world and the development of #ActivityPub ? People, writing, events, decisions, etc. I have been given cryptic hints that AP is where a lot of semweb energy ended up, but haven't been able to find much concrete information there. ty ❤️❤️
#activitypub #linkeddata #semweb #semanticweb
RT @spouyllau
[veille] #Consortium MASA @Huma_Num : « Partager les archives et les données archéologiques » (via le Web sémantique par exemple), mise en ligne des vidéos des interventions : https://masa.hypotheses.org/3941 #archéologie #SHS #SemWeb
#consortium #archéologie #shs #semweb
ok any #LinkedData or #SemanticWeb #SemWeb people: I've heard of the cultural rift that was "neat" v. "scruffy," but who can tell me about the focus between ppl focused on indexing and linking so ppl could use a #KnowledgeGraph on their own, vs. making automated inference/reasoning systems? one seems to be more profit-oriented/prioritized in industry, no?
#knowledgegraph #semweb #semanticweb #linkeddata
Schema Generator 3: A Step Towards Redecentralizing the Web! #APIPlatform #ActivityPub #dweb #PHP #LinkedData #SemWeb https://dunglas.fr/2021/01/schema-generator-3-a-step-towards-redecentralizing-the-web/
#php #linkeddata #semweb #apiplatform #activitypub #dweb
The Google Rich Results Test Tool is out of beta and effectively replaces the #StructuredData Testing Tool: http://webmasters.googleblog.com/2020/07/rich-results-test-out-of-beta.html #SemWeb
RT @fabien_gandon@twitter.com
the MOOC @coursera@twitter.com on Semantic Web and Linked Data is now live http://bit.ly/2HsyvhG #semweb #rdf #LinkedData @uca_research@twitter.com @Inria@twitter.com @Laboratoire_I3S@twitter.com @inria_sophia@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fabien_gandon/status/1087976035910672387
RT @fabien_gandon@twitter.com
SI vous suivez ou si vous êtes à #SemWebPro alors vous pouvez être intéressés par l’atelier du @w3c@twitter.com sur "Web Standardization for Graph Data" du 4 au 6 Mars à Berlin #semweb #rdf http://bit.ly/2D5Nfiz