A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead
#DianneFeinstein #SenateHearing #ConfusedSpeech #JustSayAye #SenateVote #PoliticalHumor #Politics #News
#diannefeinstein #senatehearing #confusedspeech #justsayaye #senatevote #politicalhumor #politics #news
#fossilfuel #darkmoney #climatecrisisis #disinformation #US #senatehearing
"Further investigation of the fossil fuel industry's dark money, disinformation campaigns, and extensive influence on our political, economic, and social systems is urgently needed" Kathy Mulvey
Senate Hearing Exposes 'Insidious' Dark Money Network Fueling Climate Crisis
#fossilfuel #darkmoney #climatecrisisis #disinformation #us #senatehearing
AI needs control
Powerful systems must be licensed
Government takes on role
#ai #regulation #senate #senatehearing #haiku #poetry
#senatehearing #senatefloor #senate #senaterepublicans - ParkHealth Notes | OpenSea https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/46316387645623418400861574497267573792497807413262795597612356902900285308929
#senatehearing #senatefloor #senate #senaterepublicans
#senatehearing #senatefloor #senate #senaterepublicans - ParkHealth Notes | OpenSea https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/46316387645623418400861574497267573792497807413262795597612356902900285308929
#senatehearing #senatefloor #senate #senaterepublicans
Watch Live: The Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on Supreme Court Ethics Reform
Join News Views for a Live Discussion on the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing on the Extreme Court ethics reform. However, Chief Justice Roberts will not show up for the event because he declined to testify about th
#Congress #ethics #ExtremeCourt #Judiciary #SenateHearing
#congress #ethics #extremecourt #judiciary #senatehearing
#ChiefJustice John G. #Roberts Jr. told Senate leaders Tuesday he would “respectfully #decline” to testify at a #Senatehearing focused on the #SupremeCourt, offering instead a statement signed by all the justices in which they “reaffirm and restate foundational ethics principles and practices” to which they abide." #ethical #conduct #ConflictofInterest #FinancialDisclosure #legalresearch #courts #disclosure #partisanship https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/25/supreme-court-roberts-durbin-ethics-thomas/
#chiefjustice #roberts #decline #senatehearing #supremecourt #ethical #conduct #conflictofinterest #financialdisclosure #legalresearch #courts #disclosure #Partisanship
From Cointelegraph.com: Stablecoins and Ether are ‘going to be commodities,’ reaffirms CFTC chair https://cointelegraph.com/news/stablecoins-and-ether-are-going-to-be-commodities-reaffirms-cftc-chair #UScryptoregulation #agriculturehearing #cryptocommodities #senatehearing #stablecoins #graygensler #cryptolaws #bitcoin #tether #cftc #sec
#sec #cftc #tether #bitcoin #cryptolaws #graygensler #stablecoins #senatehearing #cryptocommodities #agriculturehearing #uscryptoregulation
Watching #MerrickGarland testify at a #SenateHearing and couldn’t be happier with his appointment. I wish the #GOP would put their money where their mouth is and give him more resources to fight #Fentanyl coming here. If they want policies upheld they have to fund them.
#merrickgarland #senatehearing #gop #fentanyl
In Jan 2021 the #NRL said the then new #AFL #concussion rule "is a backward step". And now the NRL is considering mandatory stand-downs. While the sports have "the players' interests at heart", be aware there's a Federal Parliament Senate Inquiry currently on. #senatehearing #australiangovernment #sport #concussioninsport #CTE #returntoplay
#nrl #afl #concussion #senatehearing #australiangovernment #sport #concussioninsport #cte #returntoplay
U.S. Senate Banking Committee Looks For Regulatory Clarity In “Crypto Cash” Hearing - In a Valentine’s Day scheduled hearing, skeptical members of the Senate Banking Co... - https://coingape.com/us-senate-banking-committee-looks-for-regulatory-clarity/ #cryptoregulation #regulationnews #senatehearing #unitedstates #news
#news #unitedstates #senatehearing #regulationnews #cryptoregulation
Why was a cryptocurrency lobbyist invited to testify before Congress in favor of the industry? That spot should be taken by someone from the FBI or DOJ who is trying to enforce laws against organize crime, ransomware, etc.
#congress #SenateHearing
Prof Yesha Yadev testified using growth from 2020-2021 instead of more recent data for some reason :marx_thinking:
Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) asks if the US is ahead or behind the curve compared to other countries' crypto regulation.
Yadav says behind, praises EU's proposped MiCA legislation.
Jeng praises other countries' approaches to not only crypto regulation but data privacy.
Reiners says he doesn't think the US is falling behind, argues it is better to get regulation right than to prioritize "not falling behind".
Sen. Brown (D-OH) apologizes for delay, says they were held up at a briefing about spy balloons. 🎈 Starts out with a fairly scathing remarks, as to be expected from historically skeptical Sen. Brown.
Starting in 30 minutes: a Senate hearing titled "Crypto Crash: Why Financial System Safeguards are Needed for Digital Assets".
Livestream at https://www.banking.senate.gov/hearings/crypto-crash-why-financial-system-safeguards-are-needed-for-digital-assets
Witnesses will be:
• Lee Reiners (policy director at the Duke Financial Economics Center, crypto skeptic)
• Linda Jeng (crypto lobbyist)
• Yesha Yadav (law prof at Vanderbilt, pro-crypto, big on crypto self-regulation)
Written testimonies linked at same URL above.
"Defend the right of every American to be free." --except gays, right, #TulsiGabbard
You've spent your entire career.. your childhood, smearing marginalizing gay, lgbt community.. right?
#senatehearing #doj #fbi
#FBI #doj #senatehearing #tulsigabbard
"Defend the right of every American to be free." --except gays, right, #TulsiGabbard
You've spent your entire career.. your childhood, smearing marginalizing gay, lgbt community.. right?
#senatehearing #doj #fbi
#FBI #doj #senatehearing #tulsigabbard
#TulsiGabbard -- "I love this country so much that I'm willing to die for it." But, Tusli did NOT say "I am not working for Putin.", did she? No she did not. That was artful #senatehearing #doj #FBI
#russianasset #FBI #doj #senatehearing #tulsigabbard
#TulsiGabbard -- "I love this country so much that I'm willing to die for it." But, Tusli did NOT say "I am not working for Putin.", did she? No she did not. That was artful #senatehearing #doj #FBI
#russianasset #FBI #doj #senatehearing #tulsigabbard