A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead
#DianneFeinstein #SenateHearing #ConfusedSpeech #JustSayAye #SenateVote #PoliticalHumor #Politics #News
#diannefeinstein #senatehearing #confusedspeech #justsayaye #senatevote #politicalhumor #politics #news
Senate votes to repeal Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. White House warns Biden will veto
#CNBCnews #StudentLoanRepeal #BidenVeto #SenateVote #EducationPolicy #FederalStudentAid #Politics #News
#cnbcnews #studentloanrepeal #bidenveto #senatevote #educationpolicy #federalstudentaid #politics #news
Sanders to vote against debt bill, says Biden should invoke 14th Amendment
#TheHill #SandersDebtBillVote #Biden14thAmendment #NationalDebt #SenateVote #USPolitics #Politics #News
#thehill #sandersdebtbillvote #biden14thamendment #nationaldebt #senatevote #uspolitics #politics #news
Texas Senate votes to allow Gov. Abbott to overturn Harris County elections
#ABC13 #Texas #Elections #HarrisCounty #GovernorAbbott #SenateVote #OverturnElection #Politics #News
#abc13 #texas #elections #harriscounty #governorabbott #senatevote #overturnelection #politics #news