Looking to where my short stories and email newsletter should live in light of #Substack tending to cozy up to #WhiteSupremacy, I think I've decided I'll use my website's blog space for it and integrate the email list with a service like #sendinblue.
I'm not in this space to rack up followers, become a "thought leader," or monetize the crap out of every inch of my life. I just want to publish stories for people who want to read them, and I don't need Substack or Medium for that.
#writing #sendinblue #whitesupremacy #substack
@gandibar @protonmail
A little update : #sendinblue took actions and replied to my message on birdsite 😅 Nice to see when this kind of report work 😇
⚠️ SCAM alert : fake @gandibar email sent with wrong email address, close but non existing domain displayed on the link, but URL pointing to SPAM campaign at #sendinblue
Thanks to @protonmail who detected it as scam while I was looking closer to this email 😎
New SQL and Power BI connector for #Sendinblue https://forums.invantive.com/t/new-sql-and-power-bi-connector-for-sendinblue/3161?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#SendInBlue, un SMTP sur le web qui permet de remplacer votre SMTP interne
URL : https://fr.sendinblue.com/
Tous les mails envoyés via SendInBlue ne sont pas considérés comme SPAM.
Il existe une offre gratuite avec quelques contraines (volumétrie mensuelle, petite pub ...).
On l'utilise notament sur les applications qui expédient beaucoup de mails et sur les copieurs pour du Scan2Mail.
Le suivi est vraiment bien fait via des stats.
切磋社區的 SMTP 服務使用 #sendinblue 免費版。SMTP 服務的作用是發送郵件,用戶註冊的時候,發送確認郵件;用戶重置密碼時,發送重置郵件;用戶想要下載備份個人信息時,發送下載鏈接……總之就是,向用戶發送各種郵件。
這種服務,一般都不會選擇自己搭建,因爲維護一個發送郵件的服務太累,所以就有很多第三方機構,比如 sendinblue.
它有免費版和收費版,免費版每天最多可以發送 300 封郵件,其實很少啦,但對我們來說暫時夠用。免費版註冊太容易,可能有很多人用它來發送垃圾郵件或者騷擾信息,因此 sendinblue 對免費版賬號的審查極其嚴格。
SMTP Smarthost
One of the requirements when setting up a Mastodon instance is that you are able to send outgoing email. If you are running a personal instance you easily get away with running something like Mailhog which will simply capture all emails being sent and present it to you in a nice web interface. While setting up my personal Mastodon instance I decided to setup a re
#Computing #email #GMail #k3s #mastodon #postfix #sendinblue
#computing #email #gmail #k3s #mastodon #postfix #sendinblue
Hat zufällig jemand geheime Superkräfte und kennt sich mit (dem) #Newsletter speziell von #SendinBlue aus? Wie vermeide ich SoftBounces?
Da kriegst Du den voll fetten Spam zu Medizinbedarf und dann will #sendinblue den Abuse nicht. 😡
Using abuse net on abuse@sendinblue.com
abuse net sendinblue.com = abuse@sendinblue.com
Using best contacts abuse@sendinblue.com
abuse@sendinblue.com bounces (99 sent : 99 bounces)
Using abuse#sendinblue.com@devnull.spamcop.net for statistical tracking.
Yum, this spam is fresh!
WordPress : mise en place d’une newsletter avec Sendinblue https://www.it-connect.fr/wordpress-mise-en-place-dune-newsletter-avec-sendinblue/ #Newsletter #SendInBlue #WordPress #Wordpress #Internet
#internet #wordpress #sendinblue #newsletter
Kennt ihr einen #Newsletter Anbieter mit Serverstandort Deutschland der kein #GeoTracking keine #Öffnungsrate und keine #Klickrate misst?
Dachte bisher #sendinblue sei da gut aufgestellt, aber ich finde keine Option, um das Tracking auszuschalten.
Dienste wie riseup sind ja eher ein E-Mail Verteiler und kein Newsletter-Anbieter, oder?
#newsletter #geotracking #Öffnungsrate #klickrate #sendinblue