Abusará de nuestros cuerpos sin tasa, insolentemente y sin piedad: a unos abrasará con los fuegos que les aplique, por castigo o por remedio; a otros cargará de cadenas; a otros arrojará desnudos por mares desconocidos y, después de que hayan luchado contra las olas, ni siquiera los echará sobre un banco de arena o una playa, sino que los sepultará en el estómago de algún monstruo desmesurado; a otros, consumidos por diversos tipos de enfermedades, los mantendrá largo tiempo suspensos entre la vida y la muerte. Como ama veleidosa y antojadiza e indiferente con sus esclavos, se equivocará tanto en los castigos como en las recompensas."
-Séneca (Consolación a Marcia).
#Filosofia #Estoicismo #Seneca #MementoMori
#filosofia #estoicismo #seneca #mementomori
_Inter se ista miscenda sunt: et quiescenti agendum et agenti quiescendum est. Cum Rerum Natura delibera: illa dicet tibi et diem fecisse se et noctem._
--Seneca, EPISTULAE 3.6
"Things have to be mixed up with each other: if you’re settled, you should take action; if you’re active, you should settle down. Talk it over it with Nature: she’ll tell you she made both day and night."
illustration: the late, great Lennie F.X. Briscoe
_immo vero crudelior et inhumanior, quia inter homines fui._
--Seneca, _Epistulae_ 7.3
"No, seriously: I've become crueller and less humane, because I have been among humans."
And that was _before_ the internet. Human depravity, like Everything, Is Better With Latin!™
I think of this line from Seneca a lot, especially when watching rightwingers shuffle through their ever-shifting reasons for outrage.
_O quam sollers est iracundia ad fingendas causas furoris!_
Seneca, DE IRA 1.18.6
“How clever anger-addicts are at making up reasons for their madness!”
Seneca says only the past is certain. I don't agree. The past is mutable. The older I get, the longer my memory, the more uncertain the past becomes, and the more I question it. Deep, devious currents run under the stochastic surface narratives, no same river twice. The stories we tell tell on themselves, but only if you're listening underneath, to the grumble and not the babble. The truth of the past is that the world ends every day. #talkingtomyselflettingyoulisten #seneca #past #certainty
#certainty #past #seneca #talkingtomyselflettingyoulisten
Seneca's Letters to Lucilius: Insights into Stoic Living and Philosophical Advice #Stoicism #Seneca #wisdom #stoicwisdom
#stoicism #seneca #wisdom #stoicwisdom
“It’s ruinous for the soul to be #anxious about the future and #miserable in advance of misery, engulfed by anxiety that the things it desires might remain its own until the very end. For such a soul will never be at #rest—by longing for things to come it will lose the ability to #enjoy #present things.”
#anxious #miserable #rest #enjoy #present #seneca
A Compassionate Guide to the Pandemic: In which, I provide an evidence-based approach to living a good life in the pandemicine.
#Covid #COVID19 #Health #Wellbeing #Wellness #Pandemic #Research #Flu #Medicine #Stoicism #Seneca #Buddhism #Zen #Compassion #Life #Mask #Masking #Masks #Air #AirPurification #Science #Meditation
#covid #COVID19 #health #wellbeing #wellness #pandemic #research #flu #medicine #stoicism #seneca #buddhism #zen #compassion #life #mask #masking #masks #air #AirPurification #science #meditation
A Compassionate Guide to the Pandemic: In which, I provide an evidence-based approach to living a good life in the pandemicine.
#Covid #COVID19 #Health #Wellbeing #Wellness #Pandemic #Research #Flu #Medicine #Stoicism #Seneca #Buddhism #Zen #Compassion #Life #Mask #Masking #Masks #Air #AirPurification #Science #Meditation
#covid #COVID19 #health #wellbeing #wellness #pandemic #research #flu #medicine #stoicism #seneca #buddhism #zen #compassion #life #mask #masking #masks #air #AirPurification #science #meditation
Cracking thing to highlight; thank you. And #intel's #graphics card #drivers want to know about #websites you visit, and lots of other #metadata. https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/intels-gpu-drivers-now-collect-telemetry-including-how-you-use-your-computer
Perhaps now is the hour of #linux and #BSD and other potentially #surveillance free &/or #openSource &/or #selfHosted #infrastructure to shine!
Although someone might need to lay some groundwork with some #stoic #philosophy or #authors and promote an #internalLocusOfControl among the gen pop, first 🤪
#Seneca #MarcusAurelius #AntoineDeSaintExupery #RoaldDahl #TELawrence #Diogenes #openBSD #Nextcloud
#dataGrab #joinTheKnitYourOwnCheeseBrigade 😉
#jointheknityourowncheesebrigade #datagrab #nextcloud #openbsd #diogenes #telawrence #roalddahl #antoinedesaintexupery #marcusaurelius #seneca #internallocusofcontrol #authors #philosophy #stoic #infrastructure #selfhosted #opensource #surveillance #bsd #linux #metadata #websites #drivers #graphics #intel
#Stoicism #StoicBooks #Meditations #MarcusAurelius #Seneca #LettersFromAStoic #Epictetus #TheEnchiridion #PersonalGrowth #Philosophy
#stoicism #stoicbooks #meditations #marcusaurelius #seneca #lettersfromastoic #epictetus #theenchiridion #personalgrowth #philosophy
Un Regno fiabesco irriverente e gentile https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/07/18/un-regno-fiabesco-irriverente-e-gentile/ #LucianodiSamosata #PierPaoloPasolini #DanieleSemeraro #GiuseppeTorchia #MarinoBarchiesi #MenippodiGadara #GiuseppeGiglio #IppolitaLuzzo #LameziaTerme #Recensioni #PaoloLago #Petronio #Voltaire #Livorno #Litweb #Seneca
#lucianodisamosata #pierpaolopasolini #DanieleSemeraro #GiuseppeTorchia #MarinoBarchiesi #MenippodiGadara #GiuseppeGiglio #IppolitaLuzzo #lameziaterme #recensioni #paololago #Petronio #voltaire #livorno #Litweb #seneca
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Seneca the Younger, l. https://www.worldhistory.org/Seneca/ #History #Nero #RomanLiterature #Seneca
#seneca #romanliterature #nero #History
E con questa perla auguro un buon mercoledì a tutti🙂
#buongiornoatutti #seneca #PerleDiSaggezza
#buongiornoatutti #seneca #PerleDiSaggezza
Bonus Photo of the Day 28th June 2023.
G-ELBC, Piper PA-34-200 Seneca, parked at North Weald during the annual Fighter Meet air show, 14th May 1994.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Piper #PA31 #Seneca
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #piper #pa31 #seneca #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
"Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember."
#Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Life #DailyThoughts #InnerPeace #Stoicism #Philosophy #Seneca
#seneca #philosophy #stoicism #innerpeace #dailythoughts #Life #quotesoftheday #quotes
"Mi chiedi che cosa secondo me dovresti soprattutto evitare? La folla. Non puoi ancora affidarti a essa tranquillamente." #seneca #folla #mastolibri
Decimus Junius Juvenalis (l. https://www.worldhistory.org/Juvenal/ #History #Juvenal #RomanLiterature #Seneca
#seneca #romanliterature #juvenal #History
#EAS for Erie, #OH; #Huron, #OH; #Sandusky, #OH; #Seneca, #OH: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 8:15 PM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Cleveland OH** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #oh #huron #sandusky #seneca #tornado
#EAS for Erie, #OH; #Huron, #OH; #Sandusky, #OH; #Seneca, #OH: #Tornado Warning issued June 15 at 7:38PM EDT until June 15 at 8:15PM EDT by NWS Cleveland OH Source: NWS Cleveland OH** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #oh #huron #sandusky #seneca #tornado