Great article on #senior #engineers and measuring #contribution instead of #storypoints - I couldn't agree more.
"The Worst #Programmer I Know - Dan North & Associates Ltd"
#engineering #engineers #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
#senior #engineers #contribution #storypoints #programmer #engineering #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
Haut-Doubs. Quels sont les besoins des aidants du territoire horloger?
#aidant #senior #enquête
I spent most of last night not remembering that I'd gotten two #vaccines late yesterday afternoon because I've only had very mild soreness at each #injection site.
I got the #COVID #booster in my left arm and there's barely any noticeable soreness.
I got the #senior #flu #shot in my right arm and that's more sore and noticeable, but it's still a very minor sensation.
#happythankyoumoreplease #shot #flu #senior #booster #COVID #Injection #vaccines
It's hard to believe that the #memoir I wrote with #neurologist Dr. Bruce Miller turns 2 next month. In the hopes of sharing our experience and knowledge, we have been doing outreach at #ADRCs (Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers), podcasts (#Nocturnists, #Dementia Matters, et al), and presentations at #senior residences. Shortly after the book came out, #JohnsHopkinsUniversityPress invited us to talk about why we wrote the book. Here's what we said:
#memoir #neurologist #ADRCs #Nocturnists #dementia #senior #JohnsHopkinsUniversityPress #endalz
Are you in search of a #SeniorCitizenHealthInsurancePlan? We have got you covered. We have been offering a wide range of Medicare Advantage insurance plans and Medicare Supplement plans. We represent all major Medicare insurance companies and provide Insurance with clients' needs. For more information, you can call us at 732-860-0410.
#health insurance plan #Senior citizen health insurance plan #healthinsurance545
#healthinsurance545 #senior #health #SeniorCitizenHealthInsurancePlan
Some eight young men were seen in a push-up position in a puddle amid rain. Instead of using their hands for support, they pinned their head in the muddy soil.
#NCCCadets #Puddle #Senior
#Senior #Dating #TheBachelor #ABC
I haven't watched ABC's "The Bachelor" for years but I'm going to watch this The Golen Bachelor" this coming fall season.
No specific air date has been released yet but, as a "senior" in the dating pool, I"m certainly going to be on the look out for it. 😉
#senior #dating #thebachelor #abc
I feel so slow in the new codebase I'm about to fully rebound on #ImpostorSyndrome. FUCK.
#senior #WebDev #impostorsyndrome
Global News BC: 69-year-old Coquitlam woman with dementia found alive and well in backyard after missing for 5 days #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Missingseniorfound #BurkeMountain #MissingSenior #lifangcheng #minnekhada #69yearold #Coquitlam #Marjorie #Missing #Canada #Kurucz #Senior #FRANK #ed
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #missingseniorfound #burkemountain #MissingSenior #lifangcheng #minnekhada #69yearold #Coquitlam #marjorie #missing #Canada #kurucz #senior #frank #ed
#WichtigerHinweis zur #Hitze:
Wenn ihr Leutem besonders #Senioren / #Senior*innen, seht welche schlapp, orientierungslos oder verwirrt oder sogar ängsltich agieren:
Diese haben womöglich nen leichten #Hitzschlag / #Hyperthermie und/oder sind #dehydriert.
Soweit ansprechbar bietet ihnen eine bequeme Sitzgelegenheit im Schatten und soweit möglich kühles [Leitungskalt, keine Eiswürfel!] #Wasser an.
Viele davon trinken viel zu wenig und solch einfache Mittel vermeiden oft Rettungsdiensteinsätze!
#wasser #dehydriert #hyperthermie #Hitzschlag #senior #senioren #Hitze #WichtigerHinweis
Am Wochenende wird es wieder heiß. Bei @riffreporter beschäftigen wir uns immer wieder mit dem Thema #Hitze ☀️☀️☀️ Im Moment erscheint jeden Tag ein Text. Schaut mal vorbei (Suchwort: Hitze)
Einige Leseempfehlungen im 🧵
Lesetipp 1. #Hitzeaktionsplan Einige Kommunen haben bereits einen, seit Kurzem goibt es auch einen bundesweiten. Doch unser #Hitzewarnsystem alarmiert systematisch zu spät. Das ist nicht nur ein Problem für die Verletzlichsten (#Schwangere, #Senior:innen, #Kranke etc), sondern für alle. Denn bei extremen Temperaturen müssen sich auch gesunde, junge Menschen schützen.
Was eine Expert:in vorschlägt ➡️
#riffreporter #Kranke #senior #schwangere #hitzewarnsystem #Hitzeaktionsplan #hitze
Global News BC: B.C. great grandmother celebrates 99th birthday skydiving with great grandson #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #skydivinggreatgrandmother #Great-grandmother #interestinglife #skydivingfamily #skydivingsenior #luciekoenig #Lifestyle #Skydiving #Birthday #Family #nofear #Senior
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #skydivinggreatgrandmother #Great #interestinglife #skydivingfamily #skydivingsenior #luciekoenig #lifestyle #skydiving #birthday #family #nofear #senior
Interview with #Senior #Rust #Developer in 2023
#splendid 🤣 🤣 🤣
Alt. link.:
#splendid #developer #Rust #senior
The victim, who is a resident of Forest Colony in Khadakpada of Kalyan, was constructing a platform to keep his plants near his house and the accused had opposed the move
#Maha #Kicking #Senior
#AirNorth is a mensch. Best #airline #CustomerService ever. Thank you!
#airnorth #airline #customerservice #canada #yukon #yxy #whitehorse #senior
Doubs. Porté disparu aux Combes, un senior retrouvé grâce à l’hélicoptère de gendarmerie
#gendarmerie #senior
Doubs. Porté disparu aux Combes, un senior retrouvé grâce à l’hélicoptère de gendarmerie
#gendarmerie #senior
オッサンウィペットカイトちゃんのお見送り。ベテランが醸し出す余裕と風格。 Whippet Dog KAITO FUKUOKA JAPAN
#cute #dad #dog #family #Fukuoka #goodbye #Inu #japan #KAITO #Mom #pets #pretty #room #senior #SMART #Style #sweet #uncle #veteran #whippet #いぬ #ウィペット #おっさん #お見送り #カイトちゃん #シニア #パパ #ペット #ベテラン #ママ #余裕 #可愛い #家族 #犬ドック #福岡 #風格
#風格 #福岡 #犬ドック #家族 #可愛い #余裕 #ママ #ベテラン #ペット #パパ #シニア #カイトちゃん #お見送り #おっさん #ウィペット #いぬ #whippet #veteran #uncle #sweet #style #smart #senior #room #pretty #pets #mom #kaito #japan #inu #goodbye #fukuoka #family #dog #dad #cute