Who says that only the #youth can be the life of a #party? Here are our #seniorcitizen
#partyanimals from #Baguiati chai masti centre in #Kolkata! 😃
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#enjoy #enjoyment #masti #happiness #events #parties #outings #fun #love #laugh #music #hobby #seniorcitizencare #eldercare #elderlycare #seniorcitizenlife
#seniorcitizenlife #elderlycare #eldercare #seniorcitizencare #hobby #Music #laugh #love #Fun #outings #parties #events #happiness #masti #enjoyment #enjoy #elderlywellness #kolkata #baguiati #partyanimals #seniorcitizen #party #youth
#sober #seniorcitizen #LakeCumberland Emmy and I are 50 years apart, but we still like the same daredevil stunts. #RecoveryPosse
#sober #seniorcitizen #lakecumberland #recoveryposse
65-year-old Kevin #Monahan is the latest scaredy-cat American #SeniorCitizen to STEP OUT OF THE SAFETY OF THEIR HOME to murder the innocent.
Kevin apparently doesn't own a telephone that'll connect to 9-1-1.
Kevin had a gun but no plan.
Kevin is weak.
Enjoying the beautiful wx & had a #SeniorCitizen 👴 or #PeterPan 🧒 moment on this #QSO #AC5K or drew a blank from sending at 15wpm. I was bad really, really bad at sending that slow. #AmateurRadio #hamradio #morsecode #pota #Parksontheair
#ParksOnTheAir #pota #morsecode #hamradio #amateurradio #ac5k #qso #peterpan #seniorcitizen
There’s quite a lot of support available to senior citizens of Canada…if you can find it. #benefits #seniorsbenefits #seniorcitizen #seniors
#benefits #seniorsbenefits #seniorcitizen #seniors
Meng send me a groovy t -shirt so i made this video for her. #signs #signpainting #mengsigns #signwriters #scotcampbell #windowpainting #seniorcitizen #dancing #deserthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRrZYYBm5Vs
#signs #signpainting #mengsigns #signwriters #scotcampbell #windowpainting #seniorcitizen #dancing #desert
Seen today. 🛴👴🏼
Not to say that the mall officially allows it, but it's good this #SeniorCitizen even thought of using a #KickScooter there. Hopefully nobody working at the mall will tell him to stop riding it indoors. I'll understand if they ban kids zipping around the mall on wheels. But if they just use their brains instead of automatically going "You can't do that here," the world would be a lot more bearable to live in.
I think #KickScooters are great. 🤓👍 #ActiveMobility #PWDfriendly
#seniorcitizen #kickscooter #kickscooters #ActiveMobility #pwdfriendly
Good news! There’s a new federal tax credit for renovating your home to create a secondary suite for a senior or an adult with a disability. It's a timely support for seniors. #seniorcare #seniors #taxseason #taxes #seniorcitizen
#seniorcare #seniors #taxseason #taxes #seniorcitizen
Ontario Doubles the GAINS Payments
For Those Who Qualify
New Maximum For The The Guaranteed Annual Income System
Rises to $166 Per Month For Single Seniors
And $322 Per Month For Couples
#seniorcare #seniors #SeniorsCommunity #seniorcitizen
#seniorcare #seniors #seniorscommunity #seniorcitizen
Good news! There’s a new federal tax credit for renovating your home to create a secondary suite for a senior or an adult with a disability. It's a timely support for seniors. #seniorcare #seniors #taxseason #taxes #seniorcitizen
#seniorcare #seniors #taxseason #taxes #seniorcitizen
Good news! There’s a new federal tax credit for renovating your home to create a secondary suite for a senior or an adult with a disability. It's a timely support for seniors. #seniorcare #seniors #taxseason #taxes #seniorcitizen
#seniorcare #seniors #taxseason #taxes #seniorcitizen
Life's Autumn
It is the autumn of my life,
and I find myself alone.
The winds of solitude,
chilling me to the bone.
Perhaps in time,
I'll find someone new.
A loving mate,
to turn my lips red-hot from blue.
© R.D. Decker, 2023
#poetry #poem #aging #seniorsingle #widow #widower #literature #midlife #fedipoetry #singlesenior #life #seniorcitizen
#poetry #poem #aging #seniorsingle #widow #widower #literature #midlife #fedipoetry #singlesenior #life #seniorcitizen
@blackenedgreen it's not that I am getting old except that it it's exactly that. #SeniorCitizen #old #enlightenment
#seniorcitizen #old #enlightenment
#சென்னை மாநகர பேருந்துகளில் மூத்த குடிமக்களுக்கு மீண்டும் இலவச பயணம்! அரசு அறிவிப்பு… https://patrikai.com/mtc-free-token-for-senior-citizens-in-chennai-city-buses-again-government-notification/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Chennai #mtc #Buses #publictransport #Pass #Token #SeniorCitizenSpecial #seniorcitizen
#seniorcitizen #seniorcitizenspecial #token #pass #publictransport #buses #MTC #Chennai #செனனை
I’m too old for this crap.
I should not be staying up for 24+ hours at a time.
No wonder my 50s are kicking my ass.
மூத்த குடிமக்களுக்கு ரயிலில் மீண்டும் பயணச் சலுகை வழங்கும் திட்டம் இல்லை! பாராளுமன்றத்தில் மத்தியஅமைச்சர் உறுதி https://patrikai.com/concession-for-senior-citizens-not-be-restored-minister-aswini-vaisnav-in-parliament/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#SeniorCitizenSpecial #SeniorCitizen #Concession #IndianRailways #Railways @RailMinIndia@twitter.com @AshwiniVaishnaw@twitter.com @IRCTCofficial@twitter.com
#railways #indianrailways #Concession #seniorcitizen #seniorcitizenspecial
Once again I'm bemused by people online going on about "I'm so OLD!!!" when they're like 15 years younger than me (an actual #seniorcitizen, 65 years of age). I would like to gently encourage folks to examine any internalized #ageism going on with that, including any assumptions about online age demographics. Thanks for understanding!
My name is Tim, recently widowed and retired. I worked in IT for State Government
(South Carolina) for 21 years.I am presently just working on my cabin, processing loss,
and hoping sdf will be able to manage all the Twitter users that may migrate here. I am staying at the bird until it is taken away from me or splats. My present interests are...
#introduction #southcarolina #liberal #progressive #democrat #widower #retired #vinyl_records #computertech #jadam #cabin #seniorcitizen
Mayo Clinic WARNS All Medicare Advantage Holders About THIS 😱
#medicareschool #seniorcitizen #medicare
#medicare #seniorcitizen #medicareschool
Just so everybody knows, me:
#seniorcitizen #geezer
#asexual #ace
#nonbinary #nb #enby
#author #writer #ghostwriter
Interested in:
#television #Sandman #ofmd
#film #classicfilm
#books #reading,
#cooking #ferments
#history #belleepoch #weimarrepublic
#mushrooms #lichens #moss #fungus
#seniorcitizen #geezer #queer #asexual #ace #NonBinary #nb #enby #genderfluid #author #writer #ghostwriter #artist #fan #cancerpatient #television #Sandman #ofmd #film #classicfilm #classicalmusic #books #reading #cooking #ferments #history #belleepoch #WeimarRepublic #mushrooms #lichens #moss #fungus #lotsofotherstuff