Are you in need of a #CreativeDirector #ArtDirector or #SeniorDesigner? I am available immediately for new opportunities. 20+ years experience in #UI #advertising & #marketing. Open to #remotework or #relocation. Get in touch for portfolio password.
#relocation #RemoteWork #marketing #advertising #ui #seniordesigner #artdirector #creativedirector
Are you in need of a #CreativeDirector #ArtDirector or #SeniorDesigner ? I am available immediately for new opportunities. 20+ years experience in #UI and #marketing. Open to #remotework or #relocation. Get in touch for portfolio password.
#relocation #RemoteWork #marketing #ui #seniordesigner #artdirector #creativedirector
Are you in need of a #CreativeDirector #ArtDirector or #SeniorDesigner ? I am available immediately for new opportunities. 20+ years experience in #UI and #marketing. Open to #remotework or #relocation. Get in touch for portfolio password.
#relocation #RemoteWork #marketing #ui #seniordesigner #artdirector #creativedirector
Another week, more job searching. I'm looking for my gig as a #CreativeDirector #ArtDirector or #SeniorDesigner. 20+ years expereince in #UI and #marketing. Open to #remotework or #relocation. Get in touch for portfolio password
#relocation #RemoteWork #marketing #ui #seniordesigner #artdirector #creativedirector