This use of #IoT #IIoT in industrial #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE shows that #DigitalTwins and eventually causal digital twins #CDT have the power to reduce attacks as attack surfaces increase — #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #digitaltwins #cdt #IoTPL #IoTCL
A neighbor asked us to take a video of their roof using Clarise’s drone, Ronzi. The deer were quite interested. I think they were hoping for a food delivery. #IoT #IIoT #SmartHome #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #smarthome #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
Indeed, and interestingly, in speaking to practicing and research physicians, they are still determining how to interpret these near continuous streams of data that they have never had before #IoT #IIoT #Healthcare #SensAE #DigitalTwins #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #healthcare #sensae #digitaltwins #IoTPL #IoTCL
Event Streams Are Nothing Without Action #IoT #IIoT causal #DigitalTwins #CDT within #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE are key to proper actions taken #IoTPL #IoTCL https://IoTcommunity.NET/
#iot #iiot #digitaltwins #cdt #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
Using electrochemical stimulation in treating Alzheimer’s disease guided by a neurological #DigitalTwin #IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#digitaltwin #iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
Call for Tenders #SmartCity #IoT #InternetOfThings #SensorAnalyticsEcosystems #SensAE Madrid
#smartcity #iot #internetofthings #sensoranalyticsecosystems #sensae
Anyone interested in causal #DigitalTwins #CDT may find this presentation by Dr. P.G. Madhavan interesting
#digitaltwins #cdt #iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
The full potential of #DigitalTwins is achieved through layered multiple model types representing all aspects of the circular nature inherent to #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE model types include deterministic, stochastic, Bayesian, graph and causal. The digital twins must connect and interact as do the physical twins, considering the physical, social and business processes as a flow of identities, energy, conversations, ideas, ideals and information
#digitaltwins #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #iot #iiot #IoTCL
All of these considerations, privacy, transparency, security and convenience, and “publicly” as Leonard’s original point highlighted, and “confidentiality” as another commenter mentioned, must be in the architecture, specifications and architectural framework, implemented in the design, and assured through quality testing. #IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
The above was my comment on this LinkedIN post by Leonard Lee.
#IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
Privacy, transparency, security and convenience must also be understood in the cultural, regulatory, economic, political and environmental regime in which the individuals, things and organizations exist. We must also recognize that everyone is an individual, not a demographic. Once, it was pointed out that the person we were talking with and their spouse had very similar backgrounds but very different views. #IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
Security is about protecting both the data and the choices made at all stages of collection, transport, storage/erasures and use of any data. Convenience is overarching; it must be convenient for an individual or thing to make those choices, to discover those goals, and to understand the protections. #IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
Privacy is about choice: the person or thing generating the data must be able to choose what and how those data are used and when — this might change over time. Transparency is about the organization, platform, app or thing providing an honest and open view into their goals for any data that might be collected. #IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
In our technical strategy advisories, we look at privacy, transparency, security and convenience. The first challenge is convincing people that this isn’t an optimization problem; you don’t trade one for another. #IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL
#iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
[2/2] While not the definition of DataMesh, it is the concept that drew me to consider #DataMesh in organizational architectures for #InternetOfThings #IoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystems #SensAE as these ecosystems are the ultimate distributed system, requiring orchestration of the #DataPipelines for efficiency and governance, and presenting the various levels of #analytics #ML and #DigitalTwins as #DataProducts
What does the https://IoTcommunity.NET/ think
#DataMesh #internetofthings #iot #sensoranalyticsecosystems #sensae #datapipelines #analytics #ml #digitaltwins #dataproducts
An excellent article by Lyndsay Wise: “On a high level, data mesh is about connecting and enabling data management across distributed systems”
The conclusions help bring #EDW concepts into the picture more clearly.
[1/2] #DataMesh #InternetOfThings #DataProducts #DistributedSystems #SensorAnalyticsEcosystems #SensAE #IoT #IoTPL #IoTCL
#edw #DataMesh #internetofthings #dataproducts #distributedsystems #sensoranalyticsecosystems #sensae #iot #IoTPL #IoTCL
But key to ending fossil fuel use is assuring stable infrastructure. TeleInterActive Microgrids that share and balance energy from renewable sources and sustainable sinks are essential for homes and businesses, charging networks and stations are essential for #BEV and agriculture has a variety of solutions available to move food sources economically close to customers. #IoT #IIoT #ML causal #DigitalTwins and #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE will be essential to it all #IoTPL #IoTCL
#bev #iot #iiot #ml #digitaltwins #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
An #OpenSource framework for digital #agriculture ⬅️ interoperability is good; orchestration throughout #IoT #IIoT #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE is better, also responding to #ClimateChange moving to #IntegratedAgriculture #VerticalFarming and use of #DigitalTwins should be consulted #IoTPL #IoTCL @IoTCommunity @iotpractitioner @IoTchannel @IoTslam
#opensource #agriculture #iot #iiot #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #climatechange #IntegratedAgriculture #verticalfarming #digitaltwins #IoTPL #IoTCL
“Digital Reefs” awarded $5 million | #WHOI ⬅️ good links within, especially to the Networked Blue Economy and understanding the partnerships and interdisciplinary efforts collaborating to create the coral reefs #DigitalTwins #IoT #IIoT #ClimateChange #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE #IoTPL #IoTCL @IoTCommunity @iotpractitioner @IoTchannel @IoTslam
#whoi #digitaltwins #iot #iiot #climatechange #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
On the medical front, while nanites or nanobots are cool, let’s not forget wearables, ingestibiles, soft sensors and public data from sensors around you measuring the environment around you. The InfoGraphic mentions Predictive Medicine, but #DigitalTwins will evolve from personalized, preventative and predictive healthcare with precision health, and the digital twins will use population health as Bayesian priors, allowing causal digital twins #CDT with full access to your #SensAE using #IoT
#digitaltwins #cdt #sensae #iot