Terwijl Europa ten onder dreigt te gaan aan oorlog ruziën onze politiekers over wie naar de burgemeester had moeten bellen omdat er wat mensen op hotel gaan.
Echt hallucinant is dit, we worden gewoon slapend naar de afgrond geleid. #prioriteiten #SenseOfUrgency
RT @ManuelSintubin@twitter.com
Binnen 3 weken schakelen we nog eens 1GW CO2-vrije elektriciteitsproductie af ... middenin een klimaatcrisis. Wie kan dit eigenlijk nog verantwoorden? #everybitofwarmingmatters #Ecocide #senseofurgency
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ManuelSintubin/status/1611839073676656641
#everybitofwarmingmatters #ecocide #senseofurgency
When referring to #employees, is the phrase "sense of urgency" meant to be an inference about lazy, slack-jawed, dumb cuds of #workers who can't find their way out of a bathroom stall? And #managers for those slacking employees are intended to instill said #senseOfUrgency in their charges, no? Or be broken in pieces on the speedy wheel of #commerce, ja?
Just asking questions. I ain't real smart, & I'm hoping the EEEeeenternet will know. #management #badForBusiness #working #buzzword #work
#work #buzzword #working #badforbusiness #management #commerce #senseofurgency #managers #workers #employees
"To achieve great things, two things are needed — a plan, and not quite enough time."
Leonard Bernstein
#SenseOfUrgency #Quotes #EmotionalIntelligence
#emotionalintelligence #quotes #senseofurgency
"It's a terrible thing,
I think,
in life to wait until you're ready.
I have this feeling now
that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
There is almost no such thing as 'ready'.
There is only 'now'."
Hugh Laurie
#Quotes #EmotionalIntelligence #Now #SenseOfUrgency
#senseofurgency #now #emotionalintelligence #quotes