Tim Düsterhus · @timwolla
24 followers · 78 posts · Server phpc.social

@dgoosens @mwop @ramsey @zend Regarding and @mwop wishing it would be applied to the native functions: It is! I've went through all the stubs in php/php-src and added the attribute onto anything I could identify as sensitive. Example: github.com/php/php-src/blob/27

If you believe I've missed anything, send a PR 😃


Last updated 2 years ago

What’s New In 8.2? howtogeek.com/devops/whats-new

I have to say, I'm looking forward to playing with some of these features. I can see a few usecases that could improve . Especially the directive which looks like it would pass as a comment for older versions of PHP.

#php #wordpress #sensitiveparameter

Last updated 2 years ago

What’s New In 8.2? howtogeek.com/devops/whats-new

I have to say, I'm looking forward to playing with some of these features. I can see a few usecases that could improve . Especially the directive which looks like it would pass as a comment for older versions of PHP.

#php #wordpress #sensitiveparameter

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Düsterhus · @timwolla
15 followers · 50 posts · Server phpc.social

8.2 and : The Attribute:


The article explains the idea behind the `#[\SensitiveParameter]` attribute we proposed for and contributed to PHP 8.2 and showcases how we experienced PHP’s process as first-time contributors.

The RFC process went super smooth and we can highly recommend other developers to contribute on the list to ensure their use cases are included in future RFCs and possibly write their own RFC!

#php #woltlab #sensitiveparameter #rfc #Internals

Last updated 2 years ago