The media and the narrative of society tells us about people who hear voices in their head, and do crazy terrible things, and we are lead to believe that people who hear voices are crazy.
There's much more going on in these situations.
It takes the presence of being grounded within your body while having your energies balanced and aligned to "Make Sense" of the world, ones placement within it, and one's senses.
The domesticated entrainment of normalcy breeds more insanity in its attempts at marketing, managing, harvesting, and consuming the masses.
The narrative of society, the discourse of society, must be looked at and freed from being a tool of subjugation by those who wield it.
#Media #Senses #Voices #SensoryAwareness #SensoryPerception #Domestication #DomesticatedEntrainment #Normalcy #NarrativeOfSociety #NarrativeOfDiscourse #Subjugation #Freedom #FreedomOfVoice
#media #senses #voices #sensoryawareness #sensoryperception #domestication #domesticatedentrainment #normalcy #narrativeofsociety #narrativeofdiscourse #subjugation #freedom #freedomofvoice
It's curious that we can talk about various animals having higher sensory abilities. Yet. When we talk about people and what some call extra sensory abilities many upset themselves and say that's not real. People that say they experience those things are crazy or faking it or scamming people.
When in truth it's not extra sensory abilities. It's just sensory abilities. People that are not fully using their senses, that they do have, are the ones saying it's extra or crazy talk.
Knowledge and awareness is being hidden from the masses to keep them under control and the ignorant are the tools being used to keep the social narrative in check for those controlling the narrative of discourse.
There are plenty of false conspiracy theories out there. But there are actual conspiracies as well.
#RaiseTheNarrative #FreedomOfSpeech #SensoryAwareness
#raisethenarrative #freedomofspeech #sensoryawareness #consciousness #conspiracy #conspiracytheory
It say's something when even I am surprised that so many of my random thoughts, the last couple weeks, actually turn out to be psychic hits.
Might be that new gemstone I am sleeping next to. Then again it might just be I'm getting old and the spirit realm, of passing time, is expanding and prepping to be ready to suck me into it at the allotted hour.
#PsychicAwareness #SensoryAwareness #RandomThoughts
#psychicawareness #sensoryawareness #randomthoughts #gemstones #spirit
Maybe I am wrong in thinking this. But I am not willing to do psychic readings for just anyone. There are some things I do not want to see. As it is while working with clients I attempt to limit what I see and instead facilitate their own abilities of vision and alignment of being for them to have their experiences of their senses. I sometimes joke: "It's none of my business."
#Psyche #PsychicAwareness #Psychic #Empath #Senses #Boundaries #SensoryAwareness
#psyche #psychicawareness #psychic #empath #senses #sensoryawareness #boundaries
These #Truths #Explain why many are lost to the #Realities of #Reincarnation as well as what would be #SensoryAwareness and clear #Vision from within the #Multidimensional #Realm of spirit outwards into the #Physical realm that we #Manifest through.
#truths #explain #realities #reincarnation #sensoryawareness #vision #multidimensional #realm #physical #Manifest
I believe that we must #normalize the #realities of #sensoryawareness within the #narrative of #discourse of #society.
#extrasensoryawareness is only extra for those unwilling to have the #abilities of #response - the #responsibilities - to pay attention to their being.
#society has been #entrained away from their #senses and #domesticated into a #normalcy that is #unnatural and #disempowering #humanity
#normalize #realities #sensoryawareness #narrative #discourse #society #extrasensoryawareness #abilities #response #responsibilities #entrained #senses #domesticated #normalcy #unnatural #disempowering #Humanity
Much of my #life I have been stomped on and belittled by those that lack the #sensoryawareness of the #experiences I have had in this life. If I #dare #speak about what I experience they #assume I am #crazy when in truth they fail to #see beyond their own #projections of #confusion and or #sensory #ignorance - Many allow this #abuse to #silence them and then #society at large loses greatly in its #abilities of greater #consciousness and the person being abused often suffers in silence
#life #sensoryawareness #experiences #dare #speak #assume #crazy #see #projections #confusion #sensory #ignorance #abuse #silence #society #abilities #consciousness
@7im many are too unawares to grasp what the truth is. People deny many things because they lack the truth or the experience of it. My life is a good example of that. Many would think I am crazy because they lack the #sensoryawareness or experience of the things I discuss. So they believe their own lack of #consciousness of these matters is somehow my lack of consciousness. It's as if they can't see through their own projections of ignorance and then claim its the ignorance of the other person.
#sensoryawareness #consciousness
I make a #habit of #speaking #boldly about things the #cult of #society hardly, or never, speak of because I know some people need to hear it to #comprehend they themselves are not #alone there are more of us that have #sensoryawareness than society lets on. #Free the #narrative #narrativeofdiscourse
#habit #speaking #boldly #cult #society #comprehend #alone #sensoryawareness #Free #narrative #narrativeofdiscourse