Anyone have mask recommendations for someone with sensory issues?
#mask #masks #covid #COVID19 #sensoryhell
(Tagging @vantablack because I think they might)
#mask #masks #covid #COVID19 #sensoryhell
Triggers for me are so all over the place but at the moment it’s my bf who lit a fire in the wood stove and has the door wide open while he repairs the seal around the door. The strong smell of smoke..knowing what he is doing when I would of done one thing at a time in an order more comfortable to me is throwing me hard. I guess this is when I need to listen to music? But can’t stop the horrible smell. Which is the strongest trigger. God I hate this SO much. #actuallyautistic #sensoryhell
#actuallyautistic #sensoryhell
Ugh they are doing #firetesting in my condo today and the #alarms are driving me crazy! Not even taping down the silence buttons on the alarms in my unit stops the #noise.
#neurodivergent #autistic #NoiseSensitivity #sensoryhell #firealarm
#firetesting #alarms #noise #neurodivergent #Autistic #NoiseSensitivity #sensoryhell #firealarm
So… I’ve discovered that I can’t wear one of the hoodies in the apartment, as putting it on was so sensory bad that I immediately almost upchucked.
Fortunately it’s not mine, and I do have others somewhere. I was just borrowing it because I couldn’t find them.
No thanks though. I’ll just go without from now on.
Foods that you find causes sensory trouble? Having salmon tonight and my family cooked it to dry and darkened on top, and too many bones in the fish. 😫 #autistic #actuallyautistic #food #FoodSensitivity #foodsensitivities #sensory #SensoryIssues #sensoryhell #neurodivergent #neurodiversity
#Autistic #actuallyautistic #food #FoodSensitivity #foodsensitivities #sensory #SensoryIssues #sensoryhell #neurodivergent #neurodiversity
Sold my AirPods and will get paid for them tomorrow morning. That leaves me $50 short for my bill. Meanwhile - I still need to come up with $900 roughly between now and the first to pay my car registration renewal fee, health insurance renewal and December payment, a $200 PayPal negative balance I got from using their debit card connected to my bank to deal with other bills, and my negative $500 bank balance that will cause my account to be closed on me if not dealt with by the 10th of January. Yay.
PayPal: @PCairo
CashApp: $Pegypt
#billsbillsbills #nojokebroke #foreverfloundering #audhdburnout #outofideas #neednewjob #overworkedunderpaid #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #toxicworkculture #mutualaidappreciated #mutualaidrequest #audhd #basicneedsnotmet #fcktheeconomy
#billsbillsbills #nojokebroke #foreverfloundering #audhdburnout #outofideas #neednewjob #overworkedunderpaid #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #toxicworkculture #mutualaidappreciated #MutualAidRequest #AuDHD #basicneedsnotmet #fcktheeconomy
When you work as a captioning agent but you’re #audhd and in burnout so everything is loud muddy and triggering - and the vdi and captioning software your toxic employers make you use is half baked so it’s always freezing/glitching/spitting out nonsense anyways - NIGHTMARE. FUEL. Being unsupported by management & only paid 12/hr for three years doesn’t help. #spiraling #audhd #burnout #hell #underpaidoverworked #AuDHD #audhdburnout #audioprocessingissues #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #makeaccomodationsaccessible #mismanagement #sinkingship #toxicworkculture
#AuDHD #spiraling #burnout #hell #underpaidoverworked #audhdburnout #audioprocessingissues #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #makeaccomodationsaccessible #mismanagement #sinkingship #toxicworkculture
I am in sensory hell. I swear to God I can hear the molecules in the air slamming into each other. Noise cancelling headphones are not helping I hate this. I hate that I'm crying and in pain over noise that no one else can even hear. #ActuallyAutistic #sensoryhell
#actuallyautistic #sensoryhell
…. If it’s any indication of how severe my burnout has become compared to this time last year - I looked at my total income from Jan-Dec 2021 and then compared it to Jan-Dec 1st of this year - and I will have made half as much income this year than I did last year, for all the times/days I couldn’t just “suck it up” and/or I felt personally attacked and pushed out by management when it came to this company with their continuously changing and toxic policies/decisions and/or increasingly impossible expectation raising in attempts to budget cut and weed out more and more people so pushing them to quit so they don’t have to fire them and pay the consequence. I knew the number would be a little lower this year between the budget cuts and the days I’ve had to cut short or skip altogether b/c severe meltdowns but I didn’t realize how bad till now. I need a new job. I need to be able to pay my bills. I need to be supported. Fck. - I think I’m gonna be sick. #audhdandemployed #hostileworkplace #underpaidoverworked #stuckinhell #cantmakeendsmeet #newjobneeded #meltdowncentral #help #neverendingburnout #audhd #actuallyautistic #adhd #sensoryhell #micromanagingnightmare #peoplenotrobots #makeaccomodationsaccessible #invisibledisability #audhdintheworkplace #neurotypicalprivilege
#audhdandemployed #hostileworkplace #underpaidoverworked #stuckinhell #cantmakeendsmeet #newjobneeded #meltdowncentral #help #neverendingburnout #AuDHD #actuallyautistic #adhd #sensoryhell #micromanagingnightmare #peoplenotrobots #makeaccomodationsaccessible #invisibledisability #audhdintheworkplace #neurotypicalprivilege
The roommate has retreated to her space. The husband takes a well-earned nap. And I'm enjoying some C1 #criticalRole.
The daughter, though, is dealing with day 7 of #sensoryHell from sound. She has headphones and ear muffs but they aren't helping when she's this hypersensitive to sound. (Loud noises are physically painful for her.)
Any tips for how she can cope from other #actuallyAutistic folks? I wish I could give her some of my calm, ya know?
#criticalrole #sensoryhell #actuallyautistic
On a related note the texture of eggs and toast is apparently a nope for me today.
Had a bath and felt so damn itchy all night long, like I wanted to claw my skin off. I hate this #NEISVoid #ChronicIllness #SensoryHell
#neisvoid #chronicillness #sensoryhell