Ugh… whiskers are bugging me, but I don't feel like shaving now. 😭 #SensoryIssues
I'm glad it's not as common for men to wear turtle neck sweaters as it used to be. #SensoryIssues
Due to my #SensoryIssues, I don't think I could handle a wooly mammoth. Maybe a cottony mammoth would be better? 😉🤪
I've been avoiding my #earplugs for a while, since they seemed to be clogging up my ears. This morning, I put them in again, and the sudden peace I feel is bliss.
I hadn't realized how much strain all the noise was putting on my ears. It was clogging up my head much faster than the earplugs.
#earplugs #actuallyautistic #sensoryissues
I'm slowly getting used to the idea that my previous doubts that I have any #SensoryIssues were flawed. On that topic, if anyone could explain to me why so many #clothes manufacturers insist on stitching necklines & bras with actual literal barbed wire, that'd be great, thanks. 🤯
Idea for a superpower—just no hypersensitivity #SensoryIssues whatsoever. Goes through life completely unbothered.
Comic book publishers, get on this! 🤣
I trimmed my finger nails and my Muppet eyebrows. I'm feeling soooo much better!
Ugh… my eyebrows are starting to bug me again.
#sensoryissues #oldmaneyebrows #grooming
Grooming: a life cycle…
Shaving is too uncomfortable.
Shaving is too uncomfortable.
Shaving is too uncomfortable.
My whiskers are too uncomfortable; I must shave right this second.
#sensoryissues #actuallyautistic
I finally trimmed my hair, trimmed my Muppet eyebrows, and shaved. They were killing me! #ActuallyAutistc #SensoryIssues
#actuallyautistc #sensoryissues
Für Achtsamkeit „einfach mal“ barfuß laufen.
So achtsam will ich gar nicht sein.
#sensoryissues #AuDHD
Currently watching a training video at work & the recording is giving me #SensoryIssues!
The sound is very scratchy+fuzzy noise from the mic, the presenter speaks falteringly (many many "eh"s) which makes it extra hard for my brain to stay focused & they did not turn off their email notifications while recording 🙄
I feel quite the visceral reaction & have what I can only describe as "disgust shivers" and tension. 😬😬
#actuallyautisticatwork #sensoryissues
@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics
Not to sound like a broken record, but I use #MedicalCannabis for a lot of things. It helps keep me calm, focused, doesn't completely cover #SensoryIssues, but muscle pain, joint pain and a few random cramps I used to get cleared up nearly immediately when my psychiatrist started me out and has yet to come back two years in🤷♂️
#medicalcannabis #sensoryissues
Mein Zimmer ödet mich nach ~3 Jahren Covid-Pandemie und einem Jahr Post Covid so an, dass ich heute mal ~draußen~ war. Auf einer Wiese. Im Schatten! Mit einem Buch. Ich habe eigentlich permanent Insekten von meiner Decke und meinem Körper entfernt und wow... das genießen andere im Sommer? Echt? Okay? #sensoryissues Abgesehen von meinen sensorischen Problemen mit der Natur fand ich es aber sehr schön. :D
I once saw a great analogy about sensory issues that used some sort of silos or tanks for the different senses and how they overflow into the other once they are full. Can't find it again. Anyone know what I'm talking about and can point me in a direction? #SensoryIssues #Autism #ADHD #AuDHD
#sensoryissues #autism #adhd #audhd
Okay I'm considering getting a sensory body sock. I just have a hard time believing that they actually create pressure. Anyone got any experiences with these?
#adhd #autism #sensoryissues #stimming
good morning @refractive and happy Thursday. today, as all days, my wish for us all is that when we put our shoes on, it doesn't mess up our socks. also, may our systems for putting our shoes on over our socks never fail. #actuallyautistic #sensoryissues #celebratingputtingmyshoesonperfectlyonthefirsttry
#actuallyautistic #sensoryissues #celebratingputtingmyshoesonperfectlyonthefirsttry
That stupid flu turned me into a sensory basket case. Smells are too strong, noises are too loud, tastes are too intense and I can't stand the feel of clothes on my skin. I do realise that running about in the nude is not an option, so I've gone full late-middle-aged-chubby-lady and ordered myself a muumuu. I feel this is a major life change. I am looking forward to it. #SensoryIssues
Someone in my building uses perfume either so strong or so much that it stays in the air in the elevator or stairs after they've been there! It's terrible to be exposed to it, even for a short amount of time. It's super overwhelming & pungent & always makes me feel a bit nauseous & like a headache coming on immediately! 😝
#ActuallyAutistic #SensoryIssues #StrongSmells #Perfume
#perfume #strongsmells #sensoryissues #actuallyautistic