@astro_jcm I am Autistic and I have visual processing problems, or, as I like to call it, "Ooh! It's a picture of a blue! No, there's white specks... Oh! A red patch! Oh it's ... the SpaceX rocket, pre-deconstruction... of course.". ... or, A boat on the ocean, or Spiderman. See the problem?
Now, imagine that, but the pictures MOVE! *sigh*
#actuallyautistic #sensoryneeds
Found a new #tool to help one of my #kids. A cheap couch throw pillow, about the size of her torso, to hug and squish when needed. It has been a night and day difference in her ability to sit nicely at the carpet in #kindergarten without rolling into other people's boundaries. She doesn't like pressure applied to her (no weighted blankets etc), but she NEEDS to apply pressure to things/people. Such an easy solution! And kinder to her friends to not be crush-hugged without consent. #SensoryNeeds
#tool #Kids #Kindergarten #sensoryneeds
My Adventure Backpack so when I go out 😍☺️I’ve got my Headphones (Ear Defenders) 🎧 plus some of my Fidgets with me at all times. 👍
It’s the Junior Sized @smiggle_ backpack, As I only wanted a small/Medium one . So it’s easy grab and go and I know that every thing I want is there ☺️💜💙💖#embraceuniqueness #actuallyautistic #backpackbackpack #adventureready #adventure #eardefenders #sensoryneeds #kittycorn #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #autism #autisticgirl #cerebralpalsy #grabsndgo #sensoryfun #mybackpack #smiggle
#embraceuniqueness #actuallyautistic #backpackbackpack #adventureready #adventure #eardefenders #sensoryneeds #kittycorn #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #autism #autisticgirl #cerebralpalsy #grabsndgo #sensoryfun #mybackpack #smiggle
@simid @librarianknight @actuallyautistic This. I am fascinated by the discourse of other #Autistic people meeting their #SensoryNeeds ‘cos I can’t remember the last time mine were met.
It makes me feel so frazzled by the end of the day I could cry. I love my kids so much, wouldn’t change a thing but my need for silence & solitude is not compatible with a family! But if I didn’t have my family I would be so alone 🤷♀️
#AutisticFamily @actuallyautistic
#autistic #sensoryneeds #autisticfamily
Just relaxing at home and taking care of my #sensoryneeds 🕯️
The candle is lavender scented to relax and chill me
#actuallyadhd #actuallyautisic
#sensoryneeds #actuallyadhd #actuallyautisic