Psychic Awareness and Abilities are Real. Many people are struggling with sensory awareness due to the lack of discernment to comprehend what they are actually sensing. For some their fear is casting dark shadows over their vision. And for others their unbalanced ego and lack of grounding is feeding their imagination false images.

There are many that hide the truth of the psychic realm because knowledge is power.

The narrative of society refuses to openly address these things. A little knowledge can be dangerous. Hiding knowledge from society at large is even more dangerous.

We must grow and transcend the cult of society that we were born into and refuse to be subjugated by culture and those who are controlling it.

#psychic #sensoryrealm #consciousness #spirit #spirituality #cult #culture #society #narrative #narrativeofdiscourse #freedom #vision #knowledge #power

Last updated 2 years ago

It’s to me when someone the they don’t know what’s coming in the by saying something like: It’s not like I have a -

I’ve got a few of them. There’s even one on my behind me in my - I own a full of them. While they can be a useful my just come out of the

The is a it’s only called by those who are lacking it. It’s just part of clearly being

#funny #justifies #fact #future #crystalball #bookshelf #photo #store #focalpoint #visions #blue #sensoryrealm #reality #extrasensoryawareness #human

Last updated 2 years ago

I started to realize all sorts of random thoughts and awarenesses over the last few weeks had to do with them and a they were coming forth with. A message to help me what I have been experiencing in this life.
Sometimes when you deal with the you literally have previews of the or sensory experiences, that you will be having, as ways to process what is going to be unfolding in the for you.

#message #process #sensoryrealm #visions #future

Last updated 2 years ago