57 years ago:
Our Man in Marrakesh (UK)
One of six travelers who catch the bus from Casablanca airport to Marrakesh is carrying $2 million to pay a local operator to fix United Nations votes. But which one?
#OurManinMarrakesh #TonyRandall #SentaBerger #HerbertLom #Movies
#ourmaninmarrakesh #TonyRandall #sentaberger #herbertlom #movies
57 years ago:
Cast a Giant Shadow (US)
An American Army officer is recruited by the yet to exist Israel to help them form an army. He is disturbed by this sudden appeal to his jewish roots. Each of Israel's Arab neighbors has vowed to invade the poorly prepared country as soon as partition is granted. He is made commander of the Israeli ...
#CastaGiantShadow #KirkDouglas #JohnWayne #SentaBerger #ClassicFilm
#castagiantshadow #kirkdouglas #johnwayne #sentaberger #classicfilm
Wegen des #TwitterTakeover und des #Hafen in #Hamburg muss ich gerade wieder an den grandiosen Film "Frau Böhm sagt Nein" mit #SentaBerger denken. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=UA-vNetIVQA
#sentaberger #hamburg #hafen #Twittertakeover