#IMO Cancel Culture is a different card in the same hand that makes it impossible for felons to find gainful #employment and return to #crime
Maybe not everyone, but cutting people off to resources and the better #community for bad behaviors just makes them turn to the people who agree with their bad actions - which doesn’t help anyone.
We do not have to fail the same way #prison fails to rehabilitate and reintegrate. We can teach and encourage others to become better and make our community better.
#JustSomeThoughts #monday #cancel #cancelculture #ihatethetermcancelculture #prisonreform #sentencingreform #rehabilitation #bringthemcloser
#imo #employment #crime #community #prison #JustSomeThoughts #monday #cancel #cancelculture #ihatethetermcancelculture #prisonreform #sentencingreform #rehabilitation #bringthemcloser
UMD Law Prof. Leigh Goodmark discusses how "sentencing reform is necessary to effectively address intimate partner violent" in her opinion piece "Criminalized Survivors Deserve Sentencing Reform" in the Gotham Gazette. #Law #LawSchool #CriminalJustice #SentencingReform #CriminalJusticeReform #LawProfessor #LawLibrarian @academicchatter @librarians https://www.gothamgazette.com/130-opinion/11702-criminalized-survivors-deserve-sentencing-reform
#law #lawschool #criminaljustice #sentencingreform #criminaljusticereform #LawProfessor #lawlibrarian