🔥Pour que la #SENTIENCE s'affiche partout ! 😊
#QuinzaineSentience #CampagneSentience #sentience
🔥Affichez votre solidarité avec les êtres #sentients !
✨Vous pouvez désormais changer votre photo de profil & votre photo de couverture pour soutenir la #QuinzaineSentience, qui a démarré hier et se poursuit jusqu'au 24 sept ! 😍
#sentience #ProjetMeduses #CampagneSentience #QuinzaineSentience #sentients
@selzero (@PSiReN@vmst.io @selzero@vmst.io)
⬆️ 🔼 🆙 🐺 🆙 🔼 ⬆️
#IT's #StuffLikeThis that #MakesPeopleThink I'm the #ZodiacKiller, isn't it?
#That and the #Brand / #Iconography...
This #Sentience #Thing is #Frightfully #SelfAware, aye...?
#Portals and #SpookyStuff...
🧙🍿🤖🐺🤖🍿🧙 | 🍿🦹🍿🦄🍿🦹🍿
#it #stufflikethis #makespeoplethink #zodiackiller #that #brand #iconography #sentience #thing #frightfully #selfaware #portals #spookystuff
When will AI become sentient?
(please boost)
#AI #LLM #GPT #ChatGPT #transformer #AGI #intelligence #HAL9000 #sentience #consciousness
#llm #ai #gpt #hal9000 #sentience #consciousness #chatgpt #transformer #agi #intelligence
@KeithDEdinburgh @BeefGriller
Well, if surviving your games is any measure, I'm a #failure. #Seedbearer ran out of air on turn 7, #Sentience got reused while still confused about GOOD vs EVIL, and #SilentAssassin visited 17 locations before sustaining the lethal wound. Will go back for more Sentience, I think. Huge appeal for me!
#failure #seedbearer #sentience #silentassassin
@KeithDEdinburgh Just found your bundle of 1-pager #ttrpgs . Thank you for the last two hours, a much-needed break! #Sentience is a joy I will visit a few more times.
I love this piece by Karwynn Long so much.
Language Is a Poor Heuristic For Intelligence: With the emergence of LLM “AI”, everyone will have to learn something many disabled people have always understood
#ai #aihype #llm #sentience #AGI #autism
Is any #network that utilises deep enough self-simulation to make decisions on the path towards #sentience? How deep has the self-simulation have to be? How much past, present and future have to intertwine? And how much has the network have to have trained itself to have it’s past experiences projected as self-experiences to happen forward in time? How much of that has to happen all the time, do #qualia emerge when this self-simulation is fundamental to it’s existence?
Upgrade your LLMs and AIs to quasi sentient/conscious with some subjectivity...
#ArtificialInteligence #LLM #LLMs #consciousness
#sentience #ChatGPT
#artificialinteligence #llm #llms #consciousness #sentience #chatgpt
On se retrouve à #Nantes ce dimanche ? 😊 J'y proposerai :
•10h-19h : Stand avec fiches, cartes, stickers...
•14h : Table ronde sur la #sentience (avec @Mangayoh,, @RaieFutee & @RepliqueEthique),
•15h15 : Conférence "#PenséeCritique & #antispécisme"
#nantes #sentience #penséecritique #antispécisme
The Darwinian Argument for Worrying About AI https://www.ethicalpsychology.com/2023/06/the-darwinian-argument-for-worrying.html #ArtificialIntelligence #Competition #Evolution #Sentience #Morality #Values
#artificialintelligence #competition #evolution #sentience #morality #values
Radical New Theory Gives a Very Different Perspective on What Life Is - "You are also a fundamental object, but with a lot of historical dependency. You might want to cite your age counting back to when you were born, but parts of you are billions of years older. From this perspective, we should think of ourselves as lineages of propagating information that temporarily finds itself aggregated in an individual." #science #MeaningOfLife #biology #llfe #living #sentience https://www.sciencealert.com/radical-new-theory-gives-a-very-different-perspective-on-what-life-is
#science #meaningoflife #biology #llfe #living #sentience
We need to shut down al the #AI systems, examine what intelligence is in nature and understand our cognitive biases before we start building AIs again. If #bees are showing signs of #intelligence and #consciousness, even #sentience (as I've read elsewhere, in research out of the UK), running on a few joules of energy a day, we have something fundamentally flawed in our AI models that they require gigajoules for single calculations. There is a zen-ish process at work in intelligence, and capitalist philosophies are simply unable to realise that you can't solve a problem with more-and-more-and-more... resources.
#ai #bees #intelligence #consciousness #sentience
As long as there is sentience and an ability to love and show love, there is purpose to existence.
-- Harry Leslie Smith
⬆ #Quotes #HarryLeslieSmith #Existence #Love #Sentience
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Flowers #Junkyard #Minnesota
#quotes #harrylesliesmith #existence #love #sentience #photography #panorama #panopainting #flowers #junkyard #minnesota
#Sentience in #AI, “in other words, the AIs that are being created are starting to become aware of themselves and the roles in which they’ve been placed”. #nickbostrom
According to Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, AI may be showing small signs of sentience
With so much AI news happening, it's not surprising that Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom says that AI may be showing signs of sentience.
#AI #artificialintelligence #technews #sentience
I read a fascinating article on #veganism that is required reading for anyone with a #vegan interest. Written by #JordiCasamitjana (author of #EthicalVegan), he states 5 core philosophical principles of veganism. They are, #Ahimsa, #Sentience, #AntiExploitation, #AntiSpeciesism, and #Vicariousness.
My favourite section:
“There are three pillars of the current system. The system is based on consumerism, which is what I call ‘greed is good’ rule. It’s a false axiom of consumerism, which says that the pursuit of happiness is best accomplished by stoking and satisfying a never-ending series of desires. It’s an axiom in our civilisation because you routinely see 3000 ads every day, and you think it’s normal. The second is the false axiom of supremacism, which is that life is a competitive game in which those who have gained an advantage may possess, enslave, and exploit animals, nature, and the disadvantaged, for their pursuit of happiness. This is what I call ‘the might is right’ rule. The third pillar is the false axiom of global hunger, because without global hunger you cannot get people to do some of these dirty jobs that no one would like to do — like slaughterhouse work, and people raising animals for food in the villages. They are not doing it because they want to do it, they’re doing it because they have to”.
He ends with a solution to this in a #VeganWorld.
We can forever dream. 🌱
#veganism #vegan #jordicasamitjana #ethicalvegan #ahimsa #sentience #antiexploitation #antispeciesism #vicariousness #veganworld #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #vegans #animalrights
Scifi is also about identity and sentience… which are not human-exclusive!
Therefore iAm
"In the nearish future artificially intelligent robots, or 'automatons', gaining sentience and seeking freedom."
"(Note: While this game tackles the subject of AI, no AI was used in the creation of this game. All art and writing is human-made.)"
Find this 3-sessions game in the Scifi bundle: https://itch.io/b/1790/sci-fi-is-the-best
& author on: https://harper-jay.itch.io
#scifibundle #ttrpg #rise #ia #sentience #humanmade
La réponse dans l'Abécédaire du tournage éthique avec des animaux - vu.fr/glTF
#sentience #animaux #protectiondesanimaux #ara #violence
@PMeduses @RepliqueEthique @poissonpodcast @yohann_mangayoh
Un moment que j'ai beaucoup apprécié... On y parle de philosophie, de neurosciences, de la Déclaration de Cambridge, de linguistique et de plein d'autres sujets.
Merci au @PMeduses pour cette initiative ! 😊
#sentience #sentientisme #projetméduses