Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
Love this new-to-me pair of Rhinegold riding boots that just arrived. If you're into leather and kink, you need to know about Second Skin (, a website that lets you buy and sell your much loved leather and gear. I've made quite a few purchases through the site and have always had a great experience.
These will be perfect as soon as I hand them over to @grauwolfe for a clean, condition, and shine.
#Bootblacks #bootfetish #ridingboots #sentimentaldom
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
We talk a lot about community, but how much are we actually putting into creating and supporting community? There's a lot more to community building than standing on a stage or sitting behind a keyboard and saying the right words.
#bdsmcommunity #ethicaldomination #fetishcommunity #kinkawareharmreduction #KinkCommunity #leathercommunity #sentimentaldom
The beauty of consensual kinky Power Exchange is that it is rarely a 50/50 transaction. It is when the energy flows freely between the people involved that its true impact can be realized.
Locked restraints are an outward symbol of the trust necessary to help that energy flow.
#domination #submission #ethicaldomination #kinkawareharmreduction #powerExchange #sentimentaldom
Stop what you’re doing. Put your hands in your lap and take a long, deep breath.
As this video plays for the next 30 seconds, relax your body and let your mind do what it will. Maybe it goes quiet and meditative or perhaps it gets loud and disconcerting. Whatever comes, let it.
Don’t plan or try to overthink what comes your way, just let it happen.
#hypnosis #mindcontrol #sentimentaldom
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
My collar is not, in and of itself, dark or sinister. To those who need its grounding, it is heavy and anchoring. To those who need the freedom it offers, it is light and empowering.
It is a physical manifestation of a deep spiritual bond between us. It represents commitment to stay through difficult journeys, and earning it may feel like walking through fire.
Is it worth it? No one can answer that but you.
There are two ways to get someone do something: Make it happen by force or convince them it’s what they want. One uses physical means while the other works with the mind. One relies on the ability to overpower someone while the other is a delicate sidebar conversation with the deepest parts of their subconscious.
There are stronger doms, but forcing you physically isn’t my thing. When I show you how good it feels to let go, you’ll beg for it. Then, you're mine.
Even if you have never needed to use one, it's time to talk about safe words. Insisting on having a safe word is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of responsibility and respect. Safe words are a communication tool, and a critical part of scene preparedness.
#kinkawareharmreduction #sentimentaldom
Consent is non-negotiable. If you don't get an enthusiastic "Yes!", then the answer is no.
#kinkawareharmreduction #sentimentaldom
@sentimentaldom my Good News Friday is that I made a #fetish video that went semi viral online and attracted new folks to know about #technosexuality and #MaleAndroids . I've had guys tell me they felt alone and ashamed before, but now they realize there is a larger community out there that they can be a part of! 💙🌈🤖
#sentimentaldom #goodnewsfriday #maleandroids #technosexuality #fetish
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
Don't let alcohol and drugs compromise your safety. If you've been drinking or using, save the play for another time.
#kinkawareharmreduction #sentimentaldom
Am I the only one who gets random messages like, “I’m bored at work. wyd?” from people I don’t know?
PRO TIP: Telling me about your boredom is not going to give me any reason to want to begin a conversation with you. Start with bringing something worthwhile to the table, and acting like you want to be there.
I don’t understand boredom mysel. I don’t get bored because I can always find something to occupy my time.
Poppers are ubiquitous in the queer and kink communities, but they can have harmful effects when not used responsibly. When combined with blood pressure medications or meds for erectile dysfunction, they can cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. When combined with meth, cocaine, or other stimulants, they can increase heart rate and even cause irregular heartbeat.
#harmreduction #kinkawareharmreduction #sentimentaldom
You don't have to stop drinking to drink more responsibly. Alternate every alcoholic beverage with water. You'll stay better hydrated and you'll drink less.
#HarmReduction #KinkAwareHarmReduction
#TempleCope #SentimentalDom
#harmreduction #kinkawareharmreduction #templecope #sentimentaldom
I was asked why I take this all so seriously. Leather found me in the height of the AIDS crisis when our elders & mentors were being ripped from us and the few social spaces that felt safe for us were shut down in the name of public health.
This is serious for me because I don’t want what I was taught (and what I taught myself along the way) to be gone forever. Some things technology and AI will never be able to do.
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#sentimentaldom #goodnewsfriday