Just read the @Teri_Kanefield #longRead post about #ThurgoodMarshall.
Highly recommend. Covers the early career of Marshall from attending law school to the types of cases where, bit-by-bit, whittling away at #SeparateButEqual worked toward, eventually, #BrownVBoardOfEducation.
#longread #thurgoodmarshall #separatebutequal #brownvboardofeducation
#UnitedStatesSupremeCourt #BlackHistoryMonth #blackmastodon #PlessyVSFerguson #JimCrowLaws #segregation #separatebutequal
Plessy v.Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S.
Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the separate but equal doctrine.
#unitedstatessupremecourt #blackhistorymonth #blackmastodon #plessyvsferguson #jimcrowlaws #segregation #separatebutequal
Boy Scouts allows girls now but there are still a lot of unnecessary restrictions. Boys and girls are not allowed in the same troop for no good reason. I stumbled on this article. Make sure to demand equality. #separatebutequal #boyscouts #girlsinboyscouts
#girlsinboyscouts #boyscouts #separatebutequal
The New York Times is in the bill of rights side on this one, believe it or not. They point out that the California restrictions cap religious activities specifically at 25% capacity or 100 people while capping everything else at 50%. The SCOTUS ruling specifically said the treatment was (separate but) equal.
#1a #covid #scotus #scotuserror #separatebutequal