Oh, it's a Texas day isn't it?
The Texas Republican Senate has passed a bill that sets a requirement to prominently display a religious text (The 10 Commandments) in every public school classroom.
It will have to get by the Texas House (no problem) and Gov. Abbott will have to sign it when it reaches his desk (no problem).
Naturally, there's no such proclamation about religious law from Islam or Hinduism or... the Satanic Church...
If I was a teacher, know where I'd put it? 🗑️
#GodDamnTexas #TexasTaliban #ChristianNationalism #SeperationOfChurchAndState
#goddamntexas #texastaliban #seperationofchurchandstate #christiannationalism
https://www.kake.com/story/48760253/jesus-hates-guns-riverside-neighbors-upset-over-church-displaying-controversial-antigun-statements-on-its-sign Why do some think it is ok to preach right wing Christofascist conservative propaganda in church but not anti-gun ideology? #politics #church #religion #Christofascism #seperationofchurchandstate
#seperationofchurchandstate #Christofascism #religion #church #politics
Political and religious issues just keep coming. As a disabled person, I find the idea of the plaintiff/s referencing the ADA as way to force accommodations for one's "personally held religious beliefs" a bit annoying.
The Supreme Court takes up a messy, chaotic case about religion in the workplace - Vox https://apple.news/AVsJbOIm-R5u5g8JNhT2Wug