Gizmodo: Dozens Sickened, Five Killed by Meningococcal Disease Outbreak in Virginia #childhoodimmunizationsintheunitedstates #neisseriameningitidis #meningococcalvaccines #meningococcaldisease #healthmedicalpharma #pathogenicbacteria #bacterialdiseases #disasteraccident #nmvac4acyw135 #meningitis #vaccine #sepsis
#childhoodimmunizationsintheunitedstates #neisseriameningitidis #meningococcalvaccines #meningococcaldisease #healthmedicalpharma #pathogenicbacteria #bacterialdiseases #disasteraccident #nmvac4acyw135 #meningitis #vaccine #sepsis
'In this review, we introduce the contribution of numerical changes and functional reprogramming within innate (NK cells, dendritic cells) and adaptive (T cells, B cells) immune cells on the chronic immune dysregulation in the septic murine and human host.'
#inflammation #immunology #sepsis #innateimmunity
#youtube_kexp #find_new_music #music_discovery #latest_bands #live_performance #studio_session #studio_performance #live_version #live_recording #in_studio #instudio #KEXP #kexp_fm #live_music #livemusic #concert_streaming #online_concert #virtual_concert #Full_Performance #Sepsis #Salad #Dangerous #Tarmac #Blondshell #Los_Angeles #California #LAX
#youtube_kexp #find_new_music #music_discovery #latest_bands #live_performance #studio_session #studio_performance #live_version #live_recording #in_studio #instudio #kexp #kexp_fm #live_music #livemusic #concert_streaming #online_concert #virtual_concert #full_performance #sepsis #salad #dangerous #tarmac #blondshell #los_angeles #california #lax
#youtube_kexp #find_new_music #music_discovery #latest_bands #live_performance #studio_session #studio_performance #live_version #live_recording #in_studio #instudio #KEXP #kexp_fm #live_music #livemusic #concert_streaming #online_concert #virtual_concert #Sepsis #Blondshell #Los_Angeles #California #LAX
#youtube_kexp #find_new_music #music_discovery #latest_bands #live_performance #studio_session #studio_performance #live_version #live_recording #in_studio #instudio #kexp #kexp_fm #live_music #livemusic #concert_streaming #online_concert #virtual_concert #sepsis #blondshell #los_angeles #california #lax
Liebe Katzen- & Hundefans, auch unsere liebsten Haustiere, können einmal kräftig zubeißen. Was dann zu tun ist, ist klar, ab in die Notaufnahme und zwar so schnell es geht. Abwarten, ist vor allem bei Katzenbissen, keine gute Idee 👉🏻,tierbiss102.html
#caturday #catsonmastodon #hausarzte #infektionsgefahr #Sepsis #Notaufnahme #Krankenhaus #dogsonmastodon #haustiere #stubentiger
#caturday #catsonmastodon #hausarzte #infektionsgefahr #sepsis #notaufnahme #Krankenhaus #dogsonmastodon #haustiere #stubentiger
'Using RNAseq on blood from nine primate species exposed to bacterial lipopolysaccharides, we fit phylogenetic models and discovered hypermetric scaling in innate immune gene responses. We speculate that immune allometries may lead to asymmetrical expectations for virulence of zoonotic pathogens, such that diseases originating in smaller species may cause more severe immunopathology in larger species.'
#InnateImmunity #Inflammation #Sepsis #Immunology #Preprint
#innateimmunity #preprint #sepsis #immunology #inflammation
Kumpel, mit dem ich Abschnitte des Lebenswegs teilte, arbeitet jetzt daran mittels in Betten integrierter #Ballistokardiographie eine bessere Früherkennung von #Sepsis zu erzielen.
Die haben intelligente Matratzen, die Temperatur, Puls und Bewegungen aufzeichnen und auswerten.
Bisschen cool ist das schon.
#ballistokardiographie #sepsis
• A 24-year-old woman fled her home state of #Wisconsin to get an #abortion in #Chicago, only to find out that, upon her return, the abortion may not have worked. Before Roe’s overturning, the doctor could have immediately helped her but now, with abortion banned in WI the woman had to wait, bleeding and at risk of going into deadly #sepsis.
• In #Louisiana, another woman was not able to get in-state abortions even though her #fetus was #nonviable. She had to travel about 1,400 miles to get an abortion in #NewYork.
• In #Ohio two children had recently fled to #Michigan & #Indiana for abortions after getting pregnant through #rape.
• Ohio, 2 women couldn’t get treatment for #cancer while pregnant.
• In #Arizona, a 14-year-old who used methotrexate to control her #RheumatoidArthritis had her prescription denied because, her doctor believes, #methotrexate can be used to end a #pregnancy.
#wisconsin #abortion #chicago #sepsis #louisiana #fetus #nonviable #newyork #ohio #michigan #indiana #rape #cancer #arizona #rheumatoidarthritis #methotrexate #pregnancy
Fast jedes fünfte Neugeborene weltweit stirbt mit #Sepsis: Die Anzahl der Babys, die aufgrund von #Antibiotikaresistenzen an Sepsis sterben ist alarmierend. #PLOSMedicine #Sepsis #Neugeborene #Antibiotika
#antibiotika #neugeborene #plosmedicine #antibiotikaresistenzen #sepsis
Fast jedes fünfte Neugeborene weltweit stirbt mit #Sepsis
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: The last word on #sepsis: IV fluids help … except when they don't @ualberta @JAMA_current
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Global study highlights deaths from neonatal #sepsis and steps to improve treatment @uclnews @plosmedicine
Paar Stunden geschlafen, Fieber ist runter auf 38°C
Müsli schmeckt gut, auch um 22:00.
Informiert euch über Abszesse, die können zur #Sepsis führen. Kann schnell passieren.
Bei mir war es wohl rechtzeitig.💚
🎉 We are proud to be a partner of the recently accepted IHU Prometheus by Université Paris-Saclay, AP-HP, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, CEA, and Inserm.
🏥 Its aim is to develop new diagnostic tests and new drugs to halve the health, social and economic burden of #sepsis over the next ten years, with a 30 to 40 million euros budget.
🎉We are proud to be a partner of the recently accepted IHU Prometheus by Université Paris-Saclay, AP-HP, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, CEA, and Inserm.
🏥 Its aim is to develop new diagnostic tests and new drugs to halve the health, social and economic burden of #sepsis over the next ten years, with a 30 to 40 million euros budget.
🎉We are proud to be a partner of the recently accepted IHU Prometheus by @UnivParisSaclay @UVSQ_Research @Pare_Poincare.
🏥 Its aim is to develop new tests and new drugs to halve the health, social and economic burden of #sepsis over the next 10 years.
@Doohickie How on earth would we know that the illness started at a dumpster??!!! Sepsis kills people!!
Just because you think you're a wise person DOES NOT mean you are!!
ICYMI: Sepsis hastalığı dünyada her beş ölümden birine neden oluyor: Sepsis nedir? #Yaşam #sepsis #sepsis_nedir
Sepsis hastalığı dünyada her beş ölümden birine neden oluyor: Sepsis nedir? #Yaşam #sepsis #sepsis_nedir
Global News BC: Father convicted in death of malnourished Calgary teen must wait to speak at inquiry #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Albertafatalityinquiry #FirstDegreeMurder #untreateddiabetes #AlexandruRadita #malnourishedson #AlbertaJustice #Calgarycrime #RodicaRadita #EmilRadita #FosterCare #Canada #Sepsis #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #albertafatalityinquiry #FirstDegreeMurder #untreateddiabetes #alexandruradita #malnourishedson #albertajustice #calgarycrime #rodicaradita #emilradita #fostercare #Canada #sepsis #crime