Taking a little time to turn the lights down and work on some songs for an upcoming collection.
#fingerdrumming #recordingstudio #homestudio #synthesizer #sequencer #beatsteppro #sequentialtom #mercury7 #livelooping
#fingerdrumming #recordingstudio #homestudio #synthesizer #sequencer #beatsteppro #sequentialtom #Mercury7 #livelooping
This is our town! Let's take it back! Tonight!
#recordingstudio #homestudio #synthesizer #modularsynthesizer #sampling #sequencer #eurorack #squarppyramid #beatsteppro #sequentialtom #mercury7 #livelooping
#sampling #recordingstudio #beatsteppro #homestudio #synthesizer #modularsynthesizer #sequencer #eurorack #sequentialtom #Mercury7 #squarppyramid #livelooping
I stayed up late, contemplating the the existential conundrum of being human.
This is all I came up with.
I hope to do better in the world.
#recordingstudio #homestudio #synthesizer #modularsynthesizer #sampling #sequencer #eurorack #squarppyramid #beatsteppro #sp808 #echoplexdigitalpro #sequentialtom #mercury7 #akais5000 #livelooping
#squarppyramid #beatsteppro #echoplexdigitalpro #sampling #eurorack #recordingstudio #homestudio #synthesizer #modularsynthesizer #sequencer #sequentialtom #Mercury7 #sp808 #akais5000 #livelooping
Right now, we are stuck in this weird state of transitional lockdown between the past and the future.
I try to remember that periods of transition like this are full of opportunity, and a lot of good can come from them, no matter how difficult they may be. And I try to remember that they are fleeting. They won't last.
This Ain't Gonna Last Forever. Even if we wanted it to.
#homestudio #synthesizer #eurorack #squarppyramid #beatsteppro #livelooping #echoplexdigitalpro #sequentialtom
#eurorack #beatsteppro #livelooping #homestudio #squarppyramid #synthesizer #echoplexdigitalpro #sequentialtom