#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #séquestration #forbach
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #sequestration #forbach
New NIOO publication: Linking above and belowground #carbon #sequestration, soil organic matter properties, and #soilhealth in Brazilian Atlantic #Forest restoration.
#carbon #sequestration #soilhealth #forest
https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-66229065 We can’t lose hope, but we can worry. Now and the future. We need to take actions on all fronts: #energy #sequestration #conservation and #climateinfrastucturw. It will take big changes. I maintain we have a chance but it will be much work and we need a team effort from all of us. #climate. #climatechange
#energy #sequestration #conservation #climateinfrastucturw #climate #climatechange
Why would Summit #Carbon Solutions want to "withhold a pipeline risk assessment and carbon dioxide dispersion model from the public" ? - InForum #sequestration #WillistonBasin
#carbon #sequestration #willistonbasin
I finished a new 3d artwork today: "Old CO2 Scrubber Tower". In the late 22nd century, with atmospheric carbon restored to healthy levels, the CO2 scrubber towers have fallen into disuse, and nature has begun to reclaim them. #digitalart #ScienceFiction
#NoAI #solarpunk #scifi #future #climatechange #globalwarming #nature #forest #woods #plants #tower #sciencefiction #co2 #carbondioxide #sequestration #decarbonization
#digitalart #sciencefiction #noai #solarpunk #scifi #future #climatechange #globalwarming #nature #forest #woods #plants #tower #co2 #carbondioxide #sequestration #decarbonization
Been following the series from the beginning, great to see production has started. Great channel, much recommended.
#biochar #charcoal #RegenerativeAgriculture #sequestration
Volcanic #microbe eats #CO2 ‘astonishingly quickly’, say scientists
2. After two passes of the chopper, the prunings are ground down. Over the course of the year (or more) they break down and are incorporated into the soil. This increases the soil carbon content more than almost any other crop. Sequestration in Irish apple orchards has been measured at over 11 tonnes CO2 per ha per year. Carbon sequestered into soils is great for soil quality and soil life too. #orchards #soils #carbon #sequestration #humus #CO2 #sustainability
#orchards #soils #carbon #sequestration #humus #co2 #sustainability
I have seen @teagasc constantly advocating that #hedges should be cut in an A shape for #biodiversity & #sequestration. I travel many roads around Ir. & I’ve yet to see a hedge cut like that - they’re all cut square. @Teagasc need to have a chat with local authorities !
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SeanKellyMEP/status/1644445588954525696
#hedges #biodiversity #sequestration
Not only are the Central #Appalachians an important storehouse of #carbon but this article finds that they are an important worldwide site of additional carbon #sequestration. #ForestService do not #clearcut these #ClimateForests
"...dataset shows that eastern North America, the Amazon, the Congo Basin, Europe, boreal forests, southern China, and Southeast Asia are carbon sinks" https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/14/3013/2022/
#appalachians #carbon #sequestration #forestservice #clearcut #ClimateForests
The referenced article on #Carbon #sequestration titled "A 10-year global monthly averaged terrestrial net ecosystem exchange dataset inferred from the ACOS GOSAT v9 XCO2 retrievals (GCAS2021)" is at https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/14/3013/2022/
#enlèvement #séquestration 😱 #ViolencesPolicieres
RT @AA_Avocats
🔴 Le gouvernement reconnaît qu'il y a des interpellations faites pour contrôler. Sauf que, en droit, on appelle ça un enlèvement et une séquestration (violation de liberté individuelle). Des plaintes collectives sont en cours. #Manif28Mars https://twitter.com/tristanwaleckx/status/1639925374183260161
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AA_Avocats/status/1640010819839688704
#enlevement #sequestration #violencespolicieres #manif28mars
Mosaic continues to log on #QuadraIsland & this #logging is in areas #recommended for #protection by TAP. #SierraQuadra has been trying, with little success, to #negotiate for #deferral of logging in these areas & for eventual protection of these #valuable #forest stands for #ecological , #environmental & #carbon #sequestration purposes.
#StopDeforestation #protectOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #BritishColumbia #Canada #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #PNW #PacificNorthwest
#quadraisland #logging #recommended #protection #sierraquadra #negotiate #deferral #valuable #forest #ecological #environmental #carbon #sequestration #stopdeforestation #protectoldgrowth #WorthMoreStanding #britishcolumbia #canada #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #pnw #pacificnorthwest
RT @ykuzyakov
🏆 Our next paper got Highly Cited (top 1%) 🏆
Temperature🌡️ sensitivity of SOM decomposition is linked with microbial K-strategists
#SoilOrganicMatter #sequestration #soil #forest
#GlobalWarming #soilbacteria #soilfungi
#SoilOrganicMatter #sequestration #soil #forest #globalwarming #soilbacteria #soilfungi
We must also immediately embark on the project of carbon #sequestration via a programme of #soilbuilding on a unimaginably gargantuan scale that would quite literally dwarf by several orders of magnitude any previous human undertaking in recorded history, for us to have even the slightest hope of avoiding global cataclysmic catastrophe.
I possess zero optimism that humanity will pull its collective head from its own arse and act significantly, let alone comprehensively, before it is too late.
#Direct #air #capture (DAC) and #sequestration of #CO2: Dramatic effect of coordinated Cu(II) onto a #chelating weak base #ion #exchanger https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg1956 #GlobalClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #CO2 #worst #existential #threat #confronting #humanity
#direct #air #capture #sequestration #co2 #chelating #ion #exchanger #globalclimatechange #ClimateCrisis #worst #existential #threat #confronting #Humanity
🌿From #electricity & #water use to #deforestation & habitat fragmentation, Argentina's cannabis industry poses several threats to the environment.
But, #carbon #sequestration & carbon-negative #biomaterials provide #environmental benefits.
#electricity #water #deforestation #carbon #sequestration #biomaterials #environmental #weed #cannabis
RT @ykuzyakov
Happy to share:
Our Highly Cited 🏆 and Hot 🌶️Paper:
How biochar works, and when it doesn't: A review of mechanisms
was one of the top 10 most downloaded articles published in @GCB_Bioenergy
#biochar #sequestration #soil #soilorganicmatter #SoilHealth #GHG
#biochar #sequestration #soil #SoilOrganicMatter #soilhealth #ghg
RT @ykuzyakov
Very proud -> Our Highly Cited 🏆 Review (2016):
Biochar stability in soil: meta-analysis of decomposition and priming effects
is still the top 10 most downloaded in @GCB_Bioenergy
#Biochar #PrimingEffects #sequestration #soil #soilorganicmatter
#biochar #primingeffects #sequestration #soil #SoilOrganicMatter