Is the father of #NovakDjokovic among the pro-Russian #Serbians pestering #NATO troops? 🤔
#NovakDjokovic #serbians #nato
BBC News - #Serbians hand in #guns and question culture of violence after two shootings
However, Vučić remains opposed to the imposition of #sanctions against #Russia by #Serbia.
⁉️ Yea, I don't trust this change of heart. #Serbians have taken me on even here on Mastodon about supporting #Ukraine and blaming the #West for #Serbia 's 💩 why no sanctions?
#sanctions #russia #serbia #serbians #ukraine #west
The Serbs are mini-Russians, still whining about their lost "Yugoslavian Empire". Just like Ukraine ISN'T part of Russia and NEVER WANTED TO BE, the Croatians, Slovenes, Kosovars, Macedonians, and Bosniaks AREN'T part of Serbia and NEVER WANTED TO BE. The Serbs still can't admit that they committed horrible mass murders against the Bosnians and Croats. And anyone who brings up the truth is SATAN to them #serbs #Russians #warcrimes #croats #Bosnians #kosovars #serbians #ukraine
#serbs #russians #warcrimes #croats #bosnians #Kosovars #serbians #ukraine