RT @glynco@twitter.com
@martingugino@twitter.com @JessBravin@twitter.com Donald Rumsfeld ceded any moral capital regarding #Guantanamo when he abandoned the #RuleOfLaw and embraced #torture as policy within the Department of Defense — and #SERE (#EIT) interrogational abuses became part of standard operating procedures at #GTMO, Afghanistan and Iraq.
#Guantanamo #ruleoflaw #torture #sere #eit #gtmo
Folding SERE knives
- Dermasafe Folding Utility Saw (https://www.derma-safe.com/)
- Bassett Trim Trio pocket knife key chain
- Shomer Tec Ceramic Folding Razor Knife (https://shomer-tec.com/collections/escape-and-evasion/products/ceramic-folding-razor-knife)
Folding SERE knives
- Dermasafe Folding Utility Saw (https://www.derma-safe.com/)
- Bassett Trim Trio pocket knife key chain
- Shomer Tec Ceramic Folding Razor Knife (https://shomer-tec.com/collections/escape-and-evasion/products/ceramic-folding-razor-knife)
#lanewi #bobir #dabora #menay #coyate #meqat #oneka #otelev #asase #ahicih #neteso #tocid #adidit #ediso #sere #igodui #tehien #ameles #iruruo #mure #nodioh #nexe #lodone #obenei #enexet #eligid #acevir #leveaq #ve #dimio #art #nature
#lanewi #bobir #dabora #menay #coyate #meqat #oneka #otelev #asase #ahicih #neteso #tocid #adidit #ediso #sere #igodui #tehien #ameles #iruruo #mure #nodioh #nexe #lodone #obenei #enexet #eligid #acevir #leveaq #ve #dimio #art #Nature
#lanewi #bobir #dabora #menay #coyate #meqat #oneka #otelev #asase #ahicih #neteso #tocid #adidit #ediso #sere #igodui #tehien #ameles #iruruo #mure #nodioh #nexe #lodone #obenei #enexet #eligid #acevir #leveaq #ve #dimio #art #nature
#lanewi #bobir #dabora #menay #coyate #meqat #oneka #otelev #asase #ahicih #neteso #tocid #adidit #ediso #sere #igodui #tehien #ameles #iruruo #mure #nodioh #nexe #lodone #obenei #enexet #eligid #acevir #leveaq #ve #dimio #art #nature
#lanewi #bobir #dabora #menay #coyate #meqat #oneka #otelev #asase #ahicih #neteso #tocid #adidit #ediso #sere #igodui #tehien #ameles #iruruo #mure #nodioh #nexe #lodone #obenei #enexet #eligid #acevir #leveaq #ve #dimio #art #nature
#lanewi #bobir #dabora #menay #coyate #meqat #oneka #otelev #asase #ahicih #neteso #tocid #adidit #ediso #sere #igodui #tehien #ameles #iruruo #mure #nodioh #nexe #lodone #obenei #enexet #eligid #acevir #leveaq #ve #dimio #art #nature
Handcuff with visible locking mechanism used to train handcuff lock picking.
Body cavity cache with SERE tools: Kit contains lock picks, tension wrench, handcuff escape key, lock shims, Kevlar escape saw, diamond rod saw, ferrocerium fire rod, waxed jute fire starters, & a ceramic razor blade. The cache itself is milled from magnesium & can be shaved for fire starting.
Sere d`estate | alla Reggia di Venaria | dal 22 luglio al 14 agosto Eventi a Torino #sere #destate #reggia #venaria #luglio #agosto #eventi #torino #3agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG9yaW5vdG9kYXkuaXQvZXZlbnRpL3NlcmUtZC1lc3RhdGUtcmVnZ2lhLXZlbmFyaWEtMjItbHVnbGlvLTE0LWFnb3N0by5odG1s
#3agosto #torino #eventi #agosto #luglio #venaria #reggia #destate #sere
Spagna, Mediaset in crisi di idee: 4 sere di Supervivientes per arginare Antena3 - TeleNauta.it #spagna #mediaset #crisi #idee #sere #supervivientes #arginare #antena3 #telenautait #27giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGVsZW5hdXRhLml0LzIwMjIvMDYvMjcvc3BhZ25hLW1lZGlhc2V0LWluLWNyaXNpLWRpLWlkZWUtNC1zZXJlLWRpLXN1cGVydml2aWVudGVzLXBlci1hcmdpbmFyZS1hbnRlbmEzLw==
#27giugno #telenautait #antena3 #arginare #supervivientes #sere #idee #crisi #mediaset #spagna
L`insegnante 24enne sopravvissuta nell`Azovstal, le sere di giochi sotto le bombe con i bambini: «Ma sul sangue dei feriti non potevo mentire con loro» - Open #linsegnante #24enne #sopravvissuta #nellazovstal #sere #giochi #bombe #bambini #sangue #feriti #potevo #mentire #loro» #open #28maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3Blbi5vbmxpbmUvMjAyMi8wNS8yOC9hem92c3RhbC1pbnNlZ25hbnRlLTI0ZW5uZS1iYW1iaW5pLw==
#28maggio #open #loro #mentire #potevo #feriti #sangue #bambini #bombe #giochi #sere #nellazovstal #sopravvissuta #24enne #linsegnante