spacer · @spacer
141 followers · 416 posts · Server

Saw this album cover, and wondered if anyone made surf music for serfs, but Spotify has picked its side lol. Maybe there's a big opportunity out there for a high effort pun band that makes class aware surf tunes ;)

#serf #serfmusic #surfmusic #spotify

Last updated 1 year ago

Stormcrow · @TheStormcrow
270 followers · 1500 posts · Server Got to develop your skills to keep your corporate owners happy as you spiral down & out.

#fuckthepatriarchy #serfingusa #illnews #serf

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
719 followers · 1237 posts · Server

Today in Labor History February 11, 1938: BBC Television produced the world's first ever science fiction television program, an adaptation of a section of the Karel Čapek play R.U.R., that coined the term "robot." He derived the word “robot” from the Czech word for forced labor by Serfs. R.U.R. is an archetype for many of the science fiction stories and films that followed, like Bladerunner, West World and Terminator, and others about robots, replicants and hosts that rebel against humans. However, “R.U.R.,” like Čapek’s 1936 novel “War with the Newts,” is also a satirical critique of totalitarianism, which was already on the rise in Europe at the time he wrote the play.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #play #playwright #karelcapek #robot #RUR #totalitarianism #serf #slavery #sciencefiction #scifi #czech #bladerunner

Last updated 2 years ago

If you are struggling to pay bills at the moment, you should know that just received $1.5 trillion.

That's enough money to give every (-we mean "citizen") about $5000 each.

It's worth remembering that this company pays workers under $15 an hour.

for the extremely wealthy - for the 99.9%.

#walmart #us #serf #socialism #capitalism #berniesanders #sanders #ubi #universalbasicincome #bitcoin #whyBitcoin #socialismfortherich #BernieOrVest

Last updated 5 years ago