#GWB - Künstliche Intelligenz: Google-Gründer Sergey Brin hat jetzt wieder eine ‚mehr aktive Rolle‘ bei Google (Bericht) - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/07/kuenstliche-intelligenz-google-gruender/ #künstlicheintelligenz #sergey-brin #Google
#gwb #kunstlicheintelligenz #sergey #google
Kotaku: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Pro Dies In Russia-Ukraine War https://kotaku.com/counter-strike-global-offensive-0ni-csgo-russia-ukraine-1850543664 #gaming #tech #kotaku #russianmilitaryinterventioninukraine #prorussianunrestinukraine #militaryhistorybycountry #militaryhistoryofrussia #donetskpeoplesrepublic #postsovietconflicts #russianirredentism #ukrainiancrisis #andriyonistrat #warindonbass #monteesports #countries #ukraine #sergey #ostap
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #russianmilitaryinterventioninukraine #prorussianunrestinukraine #militaryhistorybycountry #militaryhistoryofrussia #donetskpeoplesrepublic #postsovietconflicts #russianirredentism #ukrainiancrisis #andriyonistrat #warindonbass #monteesports #countries #ukraine #sergey #ostap
Therefore, we only wish for victory. This is the main thing. And here, I think, #Sergey will agree with me.
Here is our conversation with Volyn from April 24, 2022, during one of the most difficult times at Azovstal: https://youtu.be/acTW-pqqZto
Sergey - Sergey is a tiny lil’ static site generator. It’s a progressive tool designed to sit atop your already brilliant HTML. In essence, Sergey is HTML + partials with slots (named and default!)... https://sergey.cool/ #Dev #SSG #JAMstack #NodeJS #Sergey by @trysmudford@twitter.com
#dev #ssg #jamstack #nodejs #sergey