Spaghetti (of the #western kind) for #FilmDinner. Watching Sergio Corbucci's Il grande silenzio (1968)
#western #filmdinner #kinski #film #sergiocorbucci #spaghettiwestern
60 years ago:
The Monk of Monza (IT)
Original title: Il Monaco di Monza
Pasquale takes all of his 12 children and runs away from Monza, looking for a house of a wealthy and generous awning. Having met on the way impoverished peasant, Pasquale takes him also, having granted the rank of "Half-Monk" and thus having gained rustic, but a reliable friend.
#TheMonkofMonza #SergioCorbucci #Totò #NinoTaranto #LisaGastoni #Movies
#themonkofmonza #sergiocorbucci #toto #ninotaranto #lisagastoni #movies
62 years ago:
Totò, Peppino and... the Sweet Life (IT)
Original title: Totò, Peppino e la dolce vita
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentl...
#TotòPeppinoandtheSweetLife #SergioCorbucci
#totopeppinoandthesweetlife #sergiocorbucci
55 years ago:
The Great Silence (IT,FR)
Original title: Il grande silenzio
A mute gunslinger fights in the defense of a group of outlaws and a vengeful young widow, against a group of ruthless bounty hunters.
#TheGreatSilence #SergioCorbucci #JeanLouisTrintignant #KlausKinski #FrankWolff #Western #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thegreatsilence #sergiocorbucci #jeanlouistrintignant #KlausKinski #frankwolff #western #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
NEW ENNIO 4K UHD Box set available, includes 4K UHD Disc / 2K Disc with Extra Content and Book. LINK IN BIO. #ennio #enniomorricone #theglanceofmusic #elmaestro #soundtrack #moviescore #musician #giuseppetornatore #4kuhd #bluray #sergioleone #quentintarantino #sergiocorbucci #4k
#ennio #enniomorricone #theglanceofmusic #elmaestro #soundtrack #moviescore #musician #giuseppetornatore #4kuhd #bluray #sergioleone #quentintarantino #sergiocorbucci #4k
Just uploaded to the YouTube Channel Eric Zaldivar's 2017 Documentary "The Journey of Tomas Milian: From Cuba to America".
Please think about subscribing to the YouTube Channel
if you're in any way interested and I'll find more content for you.
#tomasmilian #ericzaldivar #cuban #actor#spaghettiwestern #sergiocorbucci #tepepa #djangokill#facetoface #thebountykiller #thebiggundown #runmanrun#facciaafaccia #interview
#tomasmilian #ericzaldivar #cuban #actor #sergiocorbucci #tepepa #djangokill #thebountykiller #thebiggundown #runmanrun #interview
📀 Deux westerns de #SergioCorbucci en Blu-ray le 7 Avril 2023 chez #Metropolitan:
Le Zapatiste "#ElMercenario" avec #FrancoNero, #TonyMusante & #JackPalance. Et "#NavajoJoe" avec #BurtReynolds en indien.
Deux films dont les musiques sont composées par le maestro #EnnioMorricone.📀
#sergiocorbucci #metropolitan #elmercenario #franconero #tonymusante #jackpalance #navajojoe #burtreynolds #enniomorricone
📀 Deux westerns de #SergioCorbucci en Blu-ray le 7 Avril 2023 chez #Metropolitan, le Zapatiste "El Mercenario" avec #FrancoNero, #TonyMusante & #JackPalance et "Navarro Joe" avec #BurtReynolds en indien. Deux films dont les musiques sont composées par le maestro #EnnioMorricone. 📀
#sergiocorbucci #metropolitan #franconero #tonymusante #jackpalance #burtreynolds #enniomorricone
Released this day 1975 The White, The Yellow and the Black.
Sergio Corbucci's final Spaghetti Western, a spoof comedy featuring an all-star spaghetti cast of Eli Wallach, Tomas Milian & Giuliano Gemma.
#spaghettiwestern #eliwallach #sergiocorbucci #tomasmilian #giulianogemma
#spaghettiwestern #eliwallach #sergiocorbucci #tomasmilian #giulianogemma
"Leider hatte ich vergessen, ihm zu sagen, dass Idealismus der Dünger für Friedhöfe ist."
- aus "Il Mercenario" (Sergio Corbucci, 1968)
#film #filmzitat #Western #sergiocorbucci
#aew #AkiraKurosawa #books #bushcraft #bushido #camping #coffee #criterion #deism #funyuns #library #LittleFreeLibrary #MiOrgullo #philosophy #RandySavage #roh #SergioCorbucci #SergioLeone #stoicism #ThinLizzy #ThomasPaine #TomasMilian #ToshiroMifune #union #wrestling #zatoichi
#zatoichi #wrestling #union #toshiromifune #tomasmilian #thomaspaine #thinlizzy #stoicism #sergioleone #sergiocorbucci #ROH #randysavage #philosophy #miorgullo #littlefreelibrary #library #funyuns #deism #criterion #coffee #camping #bushido #bushcraft #books #AkiraKurosawa #aew