Estos memes de otras redes me hicieron reír🤣...por no llorar
#Argentina #elecciones2023 #mequieromorir #DerechaArgentina #EstePaisSeHunde
#milei #sergiomassa
#argentina #elecciones2023 #mequieromorir #derechaargentina #estepaissehunde #milei #sergiomassa
Los primeros resultados salen.
61,21% de mesas escrutadas
Libertad Avanza
#JavierMilei 32,57%
Juntos por el Cambio (27,57%)
#PatriciaBullrich [17%]
#HoracioLarreta [10,57%]
Union por la Patria (25,48%)
#SergioMassa [20,64%]
#JuanGrabois [4,84%]
De momento la victoria de Milei es indiscutible y la derrota del kirchenrismo también.
#argentina #paso2023 #javiermilei #patriciabullrich #horaciolarreta #sergiomassa #juangrabois
Argentine Peso Plunges to Historic Lows as Uncertainty Rules Before Elections - The exchange rate of the Argentine peso reached historic lows Monday in a decline ... - #devaluation #sergiomassa #argentina #elections #inflation #argetine #pesos #news #cpi #imf
#imf #cpi #news #pesos #argetine #inflation #elections #argentina #sergiomassa #devaluation
Latam Insights — Argentina to Complete IMF Payment With Chinese Yuan, Bolivia Also Using China’s Currency for International Settlements - Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto an... - #marcelomontenegro #kenthalliburton #lataminsights #chineseyuan #sergiomassa #argentina #sazmining #caf
#caf #sazmining #argentina #sergiomassa #chineseyuan #lataminsights #kenthalliburton #marcelomontenegro
Latam Insights — Argentina Reaches IMF Agreement, Bitfarms to Open New Mining Operations in Paraguay - Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto an... - #internationalmonetaryfund(imf) #lataminsights #cardpayments #sergiomassa #argentina #venezuela #bitfarms #paraguay #russia #news #mir
#mir #news #russia #paraguay #bitfarms #venezuela #argentina #sergiomassa #cardpayments #lataminsights #internationalmonetaryfund
Presidential Candidate Javier Milei Claims He Has the Funds to Dollarize Argentina - Javier Milei, a liberal presidential candidate in Argentina, stated recently that ... - #presidentialcandidate #presidentialelection #dollarization #javiermilei #sergiomassa #argentina #criticism #news
#news #criticism #argentina #sergiomassa #javiermilei #dollarization #presidentialelection #presidentialcandidate
Argentina Settled Almost 20% of Its Imports in April and May Using the Chinese Yuan - The government of Argentina has noted that 19% of all imports authorized in the na... - #centralbankofargentina #newdevelopmentbank #chineseswapline #chineseyuan #sergiomassa #argentina #bricsbank #tombolini #imports #dollar #news
#news #Dollar #imports #tombolini #bricsbank #argentina #sergiomassa #chineseyuan #chineseswapline #newdevelopmentbank #centralbankofargentina
Argentina to Expand De-Dollarization Efforts; Seeks Extension of Yuan Based Swap Line With China - The government of Argentina is reportedly seeking to expand its de-dollarization a... - #internationalmonetaryfund(imf) #albertofernandez #cristinakirchner #de-dollarization #dollarreserves #chineseyuan #miguelpesce #sergiomassa #u.s.dollar #economics #argentina #china
#china #argentina #economics #u #sergiomassa #miguelpesce #chineseyuan #dollarreserves #de #cristinakirchner #albertofernandez #internationalmonetaryfund
Argentina to Settle Chinese Imports in Yuan to Safeguard Dwindling Dollar Reserves - The economy minister of Argentina, Sergio Massa, announced that starting this mont... - #albertofernandez #argentinepeso #chineseyuan #sergiomassa #settlements #economics #xijinping #china #trade
#trade #china #xijinping #economics #settlements #sergiomassa #chineseyuan #argentinepeso #albertofernandez
pero nadie lo invitó...dicen😁 🤣 😂
En medio de las internas, #AlbertoFernández se sumó a un acto de #SergioMassa con gobernadores
#albertofernandez #sergiomassa
Latam Common Currency to Focus on Settlements Among Mercosur and BRICS Countries - President of Brazil Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva clarified the scope and reach of the... - #luisinacioluladasilva #albertofernandez #commoncurrency #fernandohaddad #sergiomassa #settlements #dependence #u.s.dollar #economics #argentina #mercosur #brazil #brics #latam
#latam #brics #brazil #mercosur #argentina #economics #u #dependence #settlements #sergiomassa #fernandohaddad #commoncurrency #albertofernandez #luisinacioluladasilva
Elon Musk Praises Reports on Latam Common Digital Currency: ‘Probably a Good Idea’ - Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, SpaceX, and Tesla, has given his opinion about the late... - #commoncurrency #robertkiyosaki #sergiomassa #u.s.dollar #argentina #elonmusk #brazil #brics #latam #tesla #news
#news #tesla #latam #brics #brazil #elonmusk #argentina #u #sergiomassa #robertkiyosaki #commoncurrency
Brazil and Argentina to Start Working on Creation of Latam Common Currency - Brazil and Argentina are looking to begin work on the issuance of a common currenc... - #luisinacioluladasilva #commoncurrency #financialtimes #nicolasmaduro #sergiomassa #u.s.dollar #economics #argentina #brazil #latam #euro #sur
#sur #euro #latam #brazil #argentina #economics #u #sergiomassa #nicolasmaduro #financialtimes #commoncurrency #luisinacioluladasilva
Argentina Signs Automatic Tax Data Sharing Agreement With the United States - The government of Argentina has signed a data sharing agreement with the U.S. to e... - #foreignaccounttaxcomplianceact #argentineministerofeconomy #internalrevenueservice #u.s.ambassador #marcstanley #sergiomassa #taxevasion #argentina #taxes #fatca #afip #imf #irs
#irs #imf #afip #fatca #taxes #argentina #taxevasion #sergiomassa #marcstanley #u #internalrevenueservice #argentineministerofeconomy #foreignaccounttaxcomplianceact