Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenspreis: Kein Zusammenstehen auf offener Bรผhne #ErichMariaRemarque #LjudmilaUlitzkaja #Literaturpreis #Literaturpreis #SergiyMaidukov #Friedenspreis #Russland #Ukraine
#ukraine #russland #friedenspreis #sergiymaidukov #literaturpreis #LjudmilaUlitzkaja #ErichMariaRemarque
Respect to Sergiy Maidukov:
"Sergei Maidukov refused to receive the Remark Peace Prize at the same time as the Russian
Ukrainian illustrator Sergei Maidukov refused to receive the Erich Maria Remark Peace Prize in 2023 together with Russian writer Ludmiloy Ulitsko.
(...) According to the chairman of the jury of the Susanna Menzel-Riedl Prize, this year's Remarque Peace Prize was to be interpreted as a sign of hope for reconciliation. "The last word should be the language of humanity, which also unites the people of hostile states. War should not stifle the language of literature and art.", - she noted."
These peaceniks' tone deafness and moral idiocy are astounding.
Russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine is a defending state.
I urge those who keep trying to force Ukrainians to hold hands with Russians to f*ck off. Victims of violence owe nothing to their attacker. Ever.
#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #SergiyMaidukov
#Russia #RussiaIsATerroristState
#ukraine #StandWithUkraine #sergiymaidukov #russia #russiaisaterroriststate