#Serialisation of 'Waiting for a Hunter's Moon' #seafishing #surf casting by Simon Smith. Nine #stories on medium here: https://medium.com/@cambriabooks/list/waiting-for-a-hunters-moon-5143b21c717f
#serialisation #seafishing #surf #stories
#Serialisation of Tony Hill's #cycling #roadtrip First three #stories episodes on medium here https://medium.com/@cambriabooks/list/hills-ups-and-downs-d1fe7c6c471d
#serialisation #cycling #roadtrip #stories
Après avoir gagné une première fois contre #Apple, l’association #HOP l’attaque de nouveau en justice ! https://lareleveetlapeste.fr/apres-avoir-gagne-une-premiere-fois-contre-apple-lassociation-hop-lattaque-de-nouveau-en-justice/
Après […] une amende record de 25 millions d’euros, l’association Halte à l’Obsolescence Programmée (HOP) a déposé une nouvelle plainte contre la #sérialisation cette fois (dit également « #appariement »), qui consiste à associer les numéros de série des composants et périphériques d’un produit à celui de l’ #iPhone ce qui en limite les possibilités de réparation.
#apple #hop #serialisation #appariement #iphone
For some reason I'm considering posting a serialised short story called 'Lembit and Elika in Love'.
It is 8,000 characters long.
My instance has a character limit of 500 characters.
I intend to use hashtags too.
This is a very stupid idea isn't it?
#serialisation #storytelling #shortstory
Oh, whee. I've written hundreds of #LOC for a text gaming #framework (think #Zork or #Adventure). The "whee" part is having to describe a #game (or #dungeon, if you like) in #YAML for initial loading. I plan to handle saved games with keyed #serialisation, but it would be nice to be able to roll changes to the base game into #saves made before the change. 🤔
And no, I didn't do #TDD or #BDD; this project just sprang forth like #Pallas #Athene from #Zeus' forehead. On #github soon.
#loc #framework #zork #adventure #game #dungeon #yaml #serialisation #saves #tdd #bdd #pallas #athene #zeus #github
just finished a #json serialisation of behaviours: [{"class":"test" , "active"1, "after":0, "attr":0, "eval":0, "event":0, "jumpto":1, "param_bool":0, "repeat":1,,...
It's possible to copy/paste the object + generate + edit it manually, I think it's a cool feature, even if documentation is necessary...
#GodotEngine #gamedev #serialisation #boids
#json #godotengine #gamedev #serialisation #boids
Just finished a documentation about extending #XML functionalities of the #polymorphcool #engine - https://bitbucket.org/polymorphteam/pe.2.0/wiki/extending_xml_loader #wiki #doc #gamedev #serialisation
#xml #polymorphcool #engine #wiki #doc #gamedev #serialisation