🇬🇧 Recommended mid-summer readings :) and let's talk about this!
👾 ⏩ https://edugames.andreafranceschini.org/2023/08/07/can-we-stop-calling-them-serious-games/
#SeriousGames #EduGames #Educazione #VideoGames #EducationalVideoGames #DigitalEducation #Digital #EducationalGames #PlayfulLearning #GameBasedLearning #Academia #Research #Development #GameDesign #IndieGame
#seriousgames #EduGames #educazione #videogames #educationalvideogames #DigitalEducation #digital #educationalgames #playfullearning #gamebasedlearning #academia #research #development #GameDesign #indiegame
Possiamo smetterla di chiamarli giochi “seri”? Cerco di evitare più che posso l’uso del termine Serious Games, ma non possiamo far finta di ignorare che questo è il termine spesso utilizzato quando parliamo di giochi educativi, anche se le due cose non coincidono. Vediamo di capirci qualcosa di più.
⏩ https://edugames.andreafranceschini.org/it/2023/08/07/can-we-stop-calling-them-serious-games/
#SeriousGames #EduGames #VideoGames #Education #Edutainment #Entertainment #Fun #Engagement #Gaming #NewPost @mscactions
#seriousgames #EduGames #videogames #education #edutainment #entertainment #fun #engagement #gaming #newpost
Can we stop calling them "serious" games? I try to avoid using the term Serious Games as much as I can, but I can’t escape the fact that this is a term often used when we talk about educational games, though the overlap isn’t always complete. Let’s see what this is all about.
⏩ https://edugames.andreafranceschini.org/2023/08/07/can-we-stop-calling-them-serious-games/
#SeriousGames #EduGames #VideoGames #Education #Edutainment #Entertainment #Fun #Engagement #Gaming #NewPost @mscactions
#seriousgames #EduGames #videogames #education #edutainment #entertainment #fun #engagement #gaming #newpost
McCall, Rod, and Lynne Baillie: #ethics #privacy and #trust in #seriousgames
Downloadable chapter on issues relating to serious games.
#ethics #privacy #trust #seriousgames #citeseerx #papers #openscience #games #research #hci #ux
📢 Nous cherchons un.e candidat.e pour une thèse 👩🎓 👨🎓 sur le méta-design de #SeriousGames 🕹 🎮 👾 pour apprendre la programmation 👩💻 #logiciellibre
Vous serez dans une équipe de recherche sympathique 🤗 et dynamique 👟 du Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans (LIUM) à l'IUT de Laval.
L'offre est a pouvoir dès la rentrée alors envoyez vos dossiers au plus vite !
#jerecrute #phd #logiciellibre #seriousgames
Our first game got a writeup in Willamette Week!
#GameDev #cascadia #earthquake #pdx #portland #pnw #VideoGames #disaster #preparedness #SeriousGames
#gamedev #pnw #videogames #disaster #pdx #portland #seriousgames #cascadia #earthquake #preparedness
📢 Pour cause de désistement, #jerecrute toujours ! 📢
Intéressé⋅es par un doctorat, lisez ce pouet → https://fediscience.org/@bmarne/110305213538097699
@edutooters @edutooter @lelibreedu
#Thèse #Doctorat #logicielsLibres #Communs #EIAH #EdTech #SeriousGames #SeriousGamesDesign
#seriousgamesdesign #seriousgames #edtech #eiah #communs #logicielslibres #doctorat #these #jerecrute
📢 Pour cause de désistement, #jerecrute toujours ! 📢
Intéressé⋅es par un doctorat, lisez ce pouet → https://fediscience.org/@bmarne/110305213538097699
@edutooters @edutooter @lelibreedu
#Thèse #Doctorat #logicielsLibres #Communs #EIAH #EdTech #SeriousGames #SeriousGamesDesign
#seriousgamesdesign #seriousgames #edtech #eiah #communs #logicielslibres #doctorat #these #jerecrute
Migrating from Twitter to something less unstable, it’s time for my #introduction 😁
IT guy by day, big dreamer by night, full-time dad (and sometimes even more). My passions: #ttrpg (GM, scenarist and game designer), #starwars (and lately focusing on #TheHighRepublic ), author #writingcommunity , huge reader when life lets me. More recently #seriousgames applied to IT stuff. More on that coming soon 🤫🤐
Nice to meet you all, can’t wait to know you more!
#introduction #ttrpg #starwars #TheHighRepublic #writingcommunity #seriousgames
Semblerait qu’il soit de bon ton de se présenter en arrivant ici avec une petit #introduction alors zéparti !
Informaticien by day, grand rêveur by night. Papa à temps complet (voire un peu plus). Mes passions : #ttrpg (MJ scénariste et game designer), #starwars (et notamment en ce moment #TheHighRepublic ), auteur #writingcommunity imaginaire, grand lecteur (quand j’ai le temps). Plus récemment #seriousgames appliqués à l’informatique, coming soon.
Au plaisir de vous découvrir ! ♥️
#introduction #ttrpg #starwars #TheHighRepublic #writingcommunity #seriousgames
Theme is live! This year, we are building games based on the theme #TodayILearned - A broad topic, one that surely applies to any #SeriousGames designer. Make a new game and join the jam in the link! #BoardGames #Education #STEMeducation #GameJam
#gamejam #stemeducation #education #boardgames #seriousgames #todayilearned
Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere su #Wikeys un gioco didattico (per il momento in francese) per scoprire quali sono i principi fondamentali di #Wikipedia e imparare a contribuire scrivendo correttamente un articolo: https://poliverso.org/display/0477a01e-6264-8db9-2fad-755236181008 Si potrebbe pensare a una traduzione collaborativa? @wikimediaitalia #scuola #giochi #SeriousGames #CreativeCommons #traduzioni @macfranc @mcp_ @PaolaCorti @FlaviaMarzano @steko
#wikeys #wikipedia #scuola #giochi #seriousgames #creativecommons #traduzioni
Comics, Brettspiele, digitale Gamesmaps, als Ludologe an der SRH University Berlin forschen, lehren und schreiben, die Anerkennung des Spiels als Kulturgut vorantreiben - seit fast 40 Jahren befasst sich Prof. Dr. Jens Junge mit dem #Spiel in all seinen Formen.
📍 Am 4.7. kommt er zur @SDNue Ed #2 ins Spielzeugmuseum Nürnberg, Teilnahme auch von remote möglich!
👉 https://sdnue.de/referent-jens-junge/
#socialdesign #servicedesign #designthinking #seriousgames #gamification #ludologie #ludology
#spiel #socialdesign #servicedesign #designthinking #seriousgames #gamification #ludologie #ludology
Very happy for being part of #LABCON2023 as speaker and talking a bit about the Development of Microcredential Modules and Serious Games to Support Interprofessional Education for Medical Laboratory Technologists.
#Whistler #SeriousGames #MLT #Microcredential #IPE #Interprofessional #Education
#labcon2023 #whistler #seriousgames #mlt #microcredential #ipe #interprofessional #education
È finalmente disponibile in #biblioteca il gioco da tavolo "Stai fermo un girone. Un gioco per scoprire #Dante e il suo mondo" creato da alcuni ricercatori dell'Università Statale di Milano. Con un po' di fatica siamo riusciti a stampare tutti i materiali necessari :) L'ebook della Milano University Press è scaricabile liberamente da qui: : https://libri.unimi.it/index.php/milanoup/catalog/book/71 #DivinaCommedia #SeriousGames #giochi #ebook@macfranc @wikimediaitalia @maupao
#biblioteca #dante #divinacommedia #seriousgames #giochi #ebook
Really enjoyed this interview with Tory Brown, about her beautiful board game "Votes for Women." Players can play comp or co-op as they convince states to either ratify or reject the 19th Amendment.
#tabletop #BoardGames #gaming #history #seriousgames
#seriousgames #History #Gaming #BoardGames #tabletop
Voici une offre de thèse en Informatique financée sur les outils Libres pour favoriser l’adoption des jeux sérieux par les enseignant⋅es : https://www.abg.asso.fr/fr/candidatOffres/show/id_offre/114048/job/favoriser-l-appropriation-des-jeux-serieux-par-les-enseignant-es-au-moyen-d-une-demarche-meta-design-fondee-sur-des-logiciels-libres
J’aurai le plaisir de l’encadrer avec @imarfisi au LIUM (campus de Laval).
Si vous avez un M2 en info et êtes passionné⋅es d’EdTech → Candidatez ! 🖋️
Repouets grandement appréciés !
@edutooters @edutooter @lelibreedu
#Thèse #Doctorat #logicielsLibres #Communs #EIAH #EdTech #SeriousGames #SeriousGamesDesign
#seriousgamesdesign #seriousgames #edtech #eiah #communs #logicielslibres #doctorat #these #jerecrute
🔔 Submissions are open! 🎉 Submit here ▶️ https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=goodit23 ⚠️ Deadline 15 May 2023 📅
#GoodIT #Conference #Games #SeriousGames #EduGames #VideoGames #Education #EduTech #Entertainment #CallForPapers #CfP #GDC @ACM
#goodit #conference #games #seriousgames #EduGames #videogames #education #edutech #entertainment #callforpapers #cfp #gdc
🔔 Call for Papers and friendly reminder that the 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 is on the 𝟭𝟱𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗠𝗮𝘆! #GoodIT #Conference #Games #SocialGood #ACM #SeriousGames #EduGames #VideoGames #Education #EduTech #Entertainment #CallForPapers #GDC http://csc.dei.unipd.it/serious_games_at_goodit_2023/
#goodit #conference #games #socialgood #acm #seriousgames #EduGames #videogames #education #edutech #entertainment #callforpapers #gdc
1/1 Wir haben gebloggt: Über digitale Planspiele vor Ort. Das beste aus beiden Welten: persönliche Begegnung und digitales Spielen. Möglich mit #Senaryon, unserer Plattform für digitale #Planspiele!
Während der Pandemie musste alles online sein, unsere Plattform #Senaryon entwickelte sich rasant weiter. Durch die Rückkehr zu Begegnungen von Angesicht zu Angesicht stellte sich erneut die Frage: Wo bieten digitale Tools einen Mehrwert?
Wir arbeiten erfolgreich mit zwei Ansätzen: 1. #hybride “planspiel+”-Formate bereichern vor-Ort-Veranstaltungen mit digitalen Features wie interaktiven Karten und dynamischen Indikatoren. Z.B. unser Planspiel zur Konfliktlage im Südchinesischen Meer: https://senaryon.de/de/projekte/strategie-spiel-digital-unterstuetzt/
2. Unsere “paperless” Planspiele stellen die Inhalte von Planspielen besonders niederschwellig bereit. Sie sind leicht anzuleiten und bieten einen zeitgemäßen Zugang zur Methode Planspiel, der Spaß macht. Z.B. unser Planspiel zum Bundeskabinett: https://senaryon.de/de/projekte/einmal-ministerin-sein/
#digitalebildung #seriousgames #hybride #Planspiele #senaryon