With THE ADVENT of NEW DLC for #FINALFANTASY XVI we RUN THE RISK of having #seriously OUTDATED CONTENT on our #VERYSERIOUS gaming publication; with that being said, we will make NO EFFORT to remain UP TO DATE
#finalfantasy #seriously #veryserious
#seriously I'm not being a troll, just an honest answer to an honest question
I had to log in to watch Freddy Mercury play the crowd and end it with "Fuck You".
#Content #Restricted #Seriously
I've been listening to Queen (and Elton John) since I figured out my parent's record player. Blow me.
#seriously #Restricted #content
Watching #Bombshell: #TheHedyLamarrStory and narrator #Mansplains her intro film was "controversial" because nudity, & she "simulated an orgasm" and nobody had ever done that before.
#Seriously? Women didn't figure that shit out until it was on the #SilverScreen?
I guarantee every baby' mama, after a day of housework, or cabinwork, or cavework, figured out "This will let me go to sleep," & he'll never know.
"OK, baby. G'Nite. Give the kids breakfast tomorrow so I can sleep in a bit."
#SilverScreen #seriously #mansplains #thehedylamarrstory #bombshell
I stumbled upon this article https://pluralistic.net/2022/09/07/audible-exclusive/#audiblegate after reading @design_law's toot and wow, just wow, I had no idea how oppressive and monopolistic the publishing world was 😟 #seriously #worrying
It's only funny
If you undermine your own
Superior Buuuuuutt.
Kevin O'Leary from The Shark Tank as the voice of moral reasoning.
*Take deep breath*
*Breathes again*
Kevin O'Leary Challenges Elon Musk's 'Immoral' View On Remote Work — 'They Ain't Coming Into The Office, Period'
#seriously #whatagoof #muchmorecoffeeneeded
This is getting #SuperAnnoying #Annoying!
Can't every #Twitter user just join #Mastodon today and never go back to Twitter again please!?
Your site is #broken and it's a #WalledGarden. I can't watch the #hashtags you are using.
I need more people in #Mastodon to be interested in the same stuff I'm interested in.
I can though do stuff to focus on perhaps #MastodonCelebrities like that #StarTrek #FamousPerson and actually start promoting this service #seriously
#seriously #famousperson #startrek #mastodoncelebrities #hashtags #walledgarden #broken #Mastodon #Twitter #annoying #superannoying
#People who are #nonverbal are not broken! Nonverbal people deserve to be taken #seriously, #respected, and #included! :antifa_100:
#people #nonverbal #seriously #respected #included
Can you believe it, darlings? Someone dared to charge my precious card for a FunkyPharaohSubscription without my divine consent! Time to unleash the royal wrath upon these mortals! #Unimpressed #Seriously #NotAmused #OnlineShopping #BitBook
#unimpressed #seriously #notamused #onlineshopping #bitbook
I rolled my ankle AGAIN. Then I passed out. I did the exact same thing almost exactly a month ago. I guess I need to figure out some ankle strengthening exercises. Luckily I got ice on it immediately so it doesn't hurt too much, but I'd planned all sorts of things for today that I'll probably have to cancel, including a long bike ride. Gaaaah. #Seriously
Got really annoyed this morning about having to take the kids to school and for the first time in a year their dad offered to take them. This is their last week of school. I declined, he is not going to mess up my streak. #NotGonnaHappen #LittleLate #seriously
#notgonnahappen #littlelate #seriously
I would love to have one day without having to deal with tech issues of some sort. Yesterday it was TMobile, today, my VTech landline phone on Centurylink service is glitched out.
Makes me want to go off grid and live in a cave on a deserted island for my remaining years.
#Press2toSpeaktoSomeonein Malaysia
#seriously #techsupportsucks #offgrid #liveinacave #press1tobedisconnected #press2tospeaktosomeonein
Why do people think someone will answer an unknown phone number text that says: "How are you?"
風よりも速くパパの元へ駆け寄る三毛猫ネコ吉!お花見散歩でウッキウキ🐈🎵 https://www.meowmoe.com/51855/
#cat #dash #fast #neko #Neko-kichi #Nekokichi #PastelCatWorld #run #seriously #speed #sprint #お花見 #さくら #ジャンプ #スピード #ダッシュ #ねこ #ネコ吉 #全力 #散歩 #日本猫 #春 #木 #木登り #本気 #猫 #疾走 #登る #走り #走る #速い
#速い #走る #走り #登る #疾走 #猫 #本気 #木登り #木 #春 #日本猫 #散歩 #全力 #ネコ吉 #ねこ #ダッシュ #スピード #ジャンプ #さくら #お花見 #sprint #speed #seriously #run #PastelCatWorld #Nekokichi #neko #fast #dash #cat